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First Grade Back to School Presentation
WELCOME First Grade Back to School Presentation Mrs. Lisa Bradley Mrs. Cynthia Caudillo Ms. Nancy Poznansky Mrs. Vanessa Cruz Ms. Vicki Savage Facilitator Notes: Talking Points: Welcome to the Elementary Grading and Reporting presentation for parents and guardians. During today’s presentation, you will hear about the updated changes to the elementary report card and grading and reporting. Based on feedback from parents, teachers and school administrators, changes to the elementary report card were made to provide more clarity about how your child is progressing in school. The changes will provide you with a more accurate assessment of your child’s progress.
WELCOME Youtube link for video
Our New Grading and Reporting
Our goal is for all students to reach Proficiency!
Standards-based Report Card
Measurement Topics Facilitator Notes: Talking Points: We shared earlier, the MCPS curriculum defines what students should know and be able to do at each grade level for all content standards. Standards-based grading and reporting is in alignment with our standards-based curriculum and a standards-based report card clearly communicates student achievement to parents. Our report card communicates student achievement at three different levels. The first is the Measurement Topic. A Measurement Topic is a group of related content, skills, or processes in a subject. Each subject has at least two or more Measurement Topics. Not all Measurement Topics are graded every marking period.
Kindergarten and Grade 1
Levels of Performance P- Proficient I- In Progress N- Not Yet Making Progress or Making Minimal Progress Facilitator Notes: Talking Points: As we mentioned earlier, the letter grades teachers use to communicate student performance has also changed. The levels of performance in kindergarten and Grade 1 are reported as: P, proficient I, in progress N, not yet making progress or making minimal progress toward meeting the grade- level standards taught this marking period. The ES is no longer available due to reporting inconsistencies. Kindergarten and Grade 1
Measurement Topic Grades
Based on assignments Multiple and varied opportunities Facilitator Notes: Provide time for parents/guardians to review the letter grades and descriptions on the back of the report card. Talking Points: The Measurement Topics grades are based on the assignments entered in the electronic gradebook. Teachers provide multiple and varied opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding. At the end of the marking period, based on the scores on the assignments, the Measurement Topic grade will be determined.
Learning Skills- Grades 1-5
Code Description DEM Demonstrating PRG Progressing N Not yet evident M Missing data – no information recorded NEP Not English Proficient- no grade recorded. Student is at the beginning level of English language proficiency. NEP may be used for level 1 or 2 ESOL student for no more than two marking periods. Facilitator Notes: Talking Points: This is our list of Learning Skills for students in Grades 1 to 5.
What Topics Will Your Child Be Learning In First Grade Math?
operations and Algebraic Thinking
Add and Subtract Within 20 concrete models drawings equations Basic Facts Within = 10 5 = 8 – 3 Problem Types adding to taking from putting together taking apart comparing Determining Unknowns 12 = █ █ – 3 = 4
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Ten More Ten Less 47 is ten more than is ten less than 57 Count to , 28, 29, 30 … 99, 100, 101, 102 … Two-Digit Numbers a ten is made up of ten ones 10 = 1 ten; 20 = 2 tens, etc. Compare Two Two-Digit Numbers 23 = 2 tens + 3 ones 31 = 3 tens + 1 one 23 < 31
Measurement and Data Time to the hour and half-hour analog and digital
Measurement Units for Length units are same-size units are laid end-to-end no gaps between units Comparing Lengths order 3 objects by length
Geometry Compose Shapes create composite shapes
Attributes triangles have 3 sides Decompose Shapes partition shapes into halves and quarters Geometry
Reading Target Chart Facilitator Notes: Talking Points:
The reading target chart is located on the back of the report card. The numbers or letters in the chart indicate the expected range by text level at the end of each marking period for Kindergarten through Grade 5.
Reading Bag with reading log
Your child will bring home a book at their level each night. Please listen to them read and sign their logs.
All parents who want to volunteer must watch the Child Abuse and Neglect video. If you have already done it last year, it is good for 3 years.
Class Parties
MCPS Do’s and Don’t’s: Do volunteer to help with Fall Festival and Valentine’s Day Parties Do send in $10.00 for our Fall Festival and Valentine’s Day Parties Do not send in treats for Birthday Parties; unfortunately our MCPS Policy does not allow for individual birthday celebrations.
Social Learning and Communication
All First Grade classes will be using Class Dojo for Communication regarding classroom happenings and student social and emotional skills development. Your child’s Tuesday folder will contain important and informative notices and flyers. Please check it and clean it out nightly. Student work will be sent home weekly. Additionally, a weekly newsletter will be sent home through Class Dojo as an or PDF document Parent Portal, a new means of obtaining information about your child’s progress will be discussed at a later date as parent logins have not yet been distributed.
Homework Policy T Students will receive a weekly homework on Monday that is due the following Monday. It is highly encouraged that your child do a little each night rather than completing the whole packet at one time. This helps to establish strong homework routines. Homework is not graded but is checked for completion and is necessary to review class skills and develop independence.
Additional Information and Resources
Your child’s teachers School principal The Parent’s Guide to the Marking Period Elementary Grading and Reporting website: grading/report-cards.aspx Facilitator Notes: Talking Points: For additional information on Elementary Grading and Reporting, please contact your child’s teacher or our school principal. You can also find additional information on the Grading and Reporting website. Finally, you can find information on the standards and what your child is learning in the Parent’s Guide to the Marking Period. The guide will come home at the beginning of each marking period and a separate guide will accompany the report card at the end of the marking period.
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