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Building Monitor Lock Down Training

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1 Building Monitor Lock Down Training
October 2010

2 Lock Downs May be Called for:
Some type of serious disturbance on campus Someone with a weapon on campus Live electrical wire down in one area of campus (that area may need to evacuate while the rest Lock Down to avoid people traffic near the wire) Hazardous Material Spill (Shelter In Place) Other situations

3 Review your Building Monitor Training!
Lock Down Preparation Review your Building Monitor Training!

4 The Lock Down Begins.. Either after an order to Lock Down has been received (in person or by phone) or because you feel it is the best course of action at the time – begin the Lock Down process. Put your plan into action – be systematic – follow it as closely as you can so as not to overlook someone or some area

5 Immediately lock the doors in your area.
Take your listing of classroom/occupant telephone numbers to a safe place with a phone (away from windows). If you have an assistant, notify them so you can split the calls based on a prearranged system. Call others in your building and notify them to lock all doors, take cover away from windows and doors. Ask if they have any injured.

6 If there are DSS students/staff or faculty in the building, make sure that they have the extra help they need to move to a safe area in their rooms. (This should be pre-arranged). If there is time (or on a second call to others in the building) ask if they can hear or see anything outside their area. Neither you nor they should risk exposure to obtain information.

7 Call the command center to report your building status as soon as possible. Make sure you pass along any information you have regarding injuries or what others have heard/seen in their areas. Await further direction from the command center.

8 After the Lock Down You will either be ordered to do an evacuation (refer to your evacuation training) OR You will be told to resume normal activities – an ‘all clear’ Communicate the next steps to those in your building

9 Practice a Lock Down Involve your colleagues if at all possible
Do a walk-through of your steps What doors would you need to lock? Do you have DSS folks who will need extra help? Where would your safe place be? Where is your phone list? Is there a phone in the safe place? Make notes on what you discover that would make a real Lock Down more successful. Communicate to the College’s Disaster Planning Team your ideas, comments and suggestions.

10 Lock Down Check List Hear gunfire / see shooter / are advised of a lock-down situation Lock the door/s to your office or immediate area Do not go outside Take your building monitor bag and go to a protected place away from windows (e.g. under a desk). Telephone the people on the list of spaces you are responsible for and advise them to lock their doors and take cover until further direction is given Ask if anyone is injured or has seen a shooter If there is a serious injury or the shooter is in your area phone to advise Do not phone this number unless you have a serious situation If ‘all clear’ is given, phone the list of spaces you are responsible for and advise them it is safe to return to normal activity If an evacuation notice is ordered, follow the instructions on the EVACUATION CHECK LIST on your clipboard in your orange bag.

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