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Psychological Analysis

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1 Psychological Analysis
“A Rose for Emily” Psychological Analysis

2 Cluster A

3 Paranoid Personality Disorder
People with this disorder are typically described as excessively mistrustful and suspicious of others without any logical justification. They assume other people are out to harm or tick them, therefore, they remain reclusive. Essentially, the world is out to get them and no one is to be trusted. This disorder is commonly linked to schizophrenia and family members of people that have been diagnosed with it. Due to their extreme mistrust of everyone, they are not likely to seek help for treating this disorder.

4 Schizoid Personality Disorder
People with schizoid personality disorder are often referred to as “extreme loners”. They show a constant pattern of detachment from social relationships and a limited range of emotions in interpersonal situations. People who suffer from this disorder do not desire nor enjoy closeness with others, including romantic relationships. Often, extreme shyness in childhood translates into this disorder in adulthood. Abuse and neglect of a child can also contribute to schizoid. These people do not seek help for resolving their issues for fear of growing too close to someone in the process.

5 Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Schizotypal disorder is closely linked to schizoid disorder; however, people with schizotypal disorder tend to behave in unusual ways. Schizotypal is the step down from schizophrenia, in that schizotypal disorder does not have the debilitating hallucinations and delusions. People suffering from this disorder are often considered odd, and bizarre in their behavior and dress. Often people that suffer from schizotypal disorder also suffer from some form of depression.

6 Cluster B

7 Antisocial Personality Disorder
Antisocial disorder is one of the hardest disorders to diagnose in a clinical setting. People suffering from this disorder are often categorized by their inability to follow social norms. They are often described as “social predators who charm, manipulate, and ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations and empty wallets”. These people are often ruthless in getting what they want at any cost, even if it means violating social norms.

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