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Cash for Rent Writing SoHSS I realised that we have different understanding of what CfR should and could be – assumption that we are all talking about.

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Presentation on theme: "Cash for Rent Writing SoHSS I realised that we have different understanding of what CfR should and could be – assumption that we are all talking about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cash for Rent Writing SoHSS I realised that we have different understanding of what CfR should and could be – assumption that we are all talking about the same thing Field colleagues do not have the know-how to do CfR and are encourage by Donors, Management and HO No specific guidance on how to do CfR

2 Occupancy free of charge - OFC
Rent-reduction Cash for Rent Tenure Security Monetization CASH FOR RENT Multi-Purpose Cash Rent-free Cash for Shelter Occupancy free of charge - OFC

3 Cash transferred to beneficiaries to pay rent
Cash transferred to Landlords to pay rent Free Rent – Occupancy Free of Charge Free Reduction Cash transferred to beneficiaries to pay rent Conditional MPC Cash transferred to landlords CfR MBI Rent free – Occupancy free of Charge (OfC) Shelter upgrade in exchange of free rent Rent reduction

4 Observations CfR as emergency / temporary / transitional
CfR for the most vulnerable CfR achieve safe, adequate appropriate shelter Tenure Security - bilateral or tri-partite agreement Tenure Security - landlord / beneficiary / agency CfR for population in transit MPC – for rent Companion programming When do we deliver CfR and what are the impact of the different ways of doing it on the outcome and impact When do we ensure SoT / if CfR in emergency through MPC it is unlikely that we will ensure SoT / What is the minimum standard at what phase and for what outcome? How can we make sure CfR responds to the need of the most vulnerable – what are the tools, implementation approaches required CfR may respond to different needs – population in transit (Greece – stay max 3months – what are the implication on the type of agreement, the maintenance, etc) Different types of tenure arrangement – landlord with agency / landlord with beneficiary What are the implication of MPC intended to cover rent? Companion Programming - is the provision of technical ‘soft programming’ support to recipients of MPC distributions

5 Assumptions Existing Rental Market Assessment tools
Cash is easier modality of implementation Dissemination of lessons learned, reports, position papers, recommendations Cash for rent is the go-to urban modality Provision vs Contribution Maintenance issues Existing Rental Market Assessment tools – there is no market assessment tool, we are currently adapting other commodity tools but are these able to respond to the flexibility and informality of rental markets? – very often there is no market assessment done prior to proposal writing, there is an assumption that the markets can respond…. Cash is easier modality of implementation – very often I have seen CO developing CBI assuming it would be quicker and more effective than other in-kind approaches - Timeframe – lead-time for CfR distribution Shelter teams have read all lessons learned, reports, position papers, recommendations….. and have the cash know-how Cash for rent is the go-to urban modality Provision vs Contribution Maintenance issues

6 Impact ? What is this impact on our beneficiaries ?
What are the shelter outcomes? What method is most appropriate? And When? what are the minimum standards for monitoring shelter outcomes when it come to MPC – used for rent / CfR / Free rent / OfC?

7 What is too much Cash ? When is it not enough?
How do we balance provision to support – as an enablers or a facilitator to access shelter? PDMs especially when MPC often look at beneficiary satisfaction only We wanted access to washing machines Access to wifi Not enough furnishing Not enough to pay for utility bill Debt Negative coping mechanism How do we balance beneficiary satisfaction with technical minimum requirements / standards

8 Food for thought Cash for Rent is Giving cash to landlord
Market based intervention Cash for Rent is not Giving cash to beneficiaries (even when conditional tenure) MPC Cash people are saying: ….. Do you agree? The Shelter Sector needs to drive these discussion and establish what is and what is not CfR

9 Challenges Rental Market Assessment
Beneficiary contribution in CfR – utility bills / Maintenance Minimum Standards (sqm, furnishing, appliances…) Monitoring Skills required for CfR Out of many other The challenges include: Rental Market Assessment How do we get beneficiary contribution on CfR – utility bills? Maintenance? – when/ how / when population in transit and how no income it is impossible to get them to pay bills / maintenance in Greece – lack of ownership / What is the minimum furnishing/ washing machine/ wifi / how far should we go ? What should be the role of the monitoring visits? What is the profile of people we are looking for when we do CfR – engineers? Economist? Analist? Antropologist? Social Worker? Housing experts? Architect?

10 Learning MPC – wider reach quicker to implement
Impact on market and on beneficiary (– /+) Cash alone is not enough Security of tenure Conditional/restricted – better shelter impact Companion programming MPC – wider reach than conditional / restrictied CfR Impact on beneficiaries and markets evidence is weak PDMs show Lebanon MPG – show debt reduction so reduction of negative coping mechanism but does not show any shelter outcome / although we know that some times over 88% of the MPCG is used for rent (ie. Shelter )# MPC does not avoid overcrowding, and people living in low quality shelters How do we define adequate /safe shelter in a CfR response Reduction in eviction and involuntary returns when there is SoT Quality of shelter increased when restrictions are in place Cash alone is not enough and needs to be accompanied by technical support For CfR SoT is essential – but how realistic is it to do this at the early stage of a response?

11 Cash for Rent WG ? To develop a common understanding on what is CfR, what is the minimum standard approach, when can MPC support CfR programming Develop best practice guidance for the sector Practical tools for our field team Market assessment Implementation approach Decision making

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