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Spanish I and II Señora Ford Room A205.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish I and II Señora Ford Room A205."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish I and II Señora Ford Room A205

2 Communication School 812-542-8504 ext. 3028
Website: Facebook: Mrs. Ford FCHS Spanish Twitter: Mrs. Ford FCHS Spanish EdModo: Mrs. Amanda Ford

3 Codes and Usernames Remind 101:
SPANISH I: call (502) and text Spanish II: call (502) and text

4 Codes and Usernames Online Textbook: Spanish I:
Username: sonek14 Password: r4r46 Spanish II: Username: stwop10 Password: x2a5u

5 Codes and Usernames EdModo Class Codes: Period 1: u1h9bx
Period 2: m4rph6 Period 3: 4x1jtj Period 5: ozkccf Period 6: bakcls Period 7: sb8ul7

6 Classroom Rules Be respectful. Be prepared Be on time. Be involved.
Follow directions.

7 Typical Day: sponge/warm-up homework review introduce new material
guided practice individual and/or partner work game (when reviewing old material) assign and explain homework

8 Evaluation Points from tests, quizzes, assignments, and class projects are transferred into a percentage FINAL EXAM=10% of final grade (given at the end of the semester)

9 Grade Distribution Weighted grades TESTS: 60% QUIZZES: 20%
HOMEWORK: 10% PARTICIPATION: 10% Running Total in INOW

10 Grading Scale A B C D 59-0 F

11 Homework Completion Work: Graded on effort
Graded Work: Graded on correctness E-submission: to school or EdModo with date and time deadline

12 Tests Tests: end of sub-chapter or chapter Common formative assessment (CFA): end of each quarter

13 Quizzes Written and oral Announced and unannounced

14 Participation 100 grade at end of each quarter (back of syllabus)
Oral assessments Speaking prompts Skits Interviews Popcicle stick questions Cooperative learning (groups)

15 Missed Work YOUR responsibility
Same number of days to make up that you missed During study hall if possible, before/after school Late homework accepted until Friday, September 27 at 2:26 for UP TO half credit

16 Cell Phones OFF and OUT OF SIGHT ONE warning
Second offense: confiscated and turned into the office

17 Writing Plan 1 writing per semester Level of Writing: 2

18 Cheating Subject to a punishment that would result in:
Zero on the assignment Being removed permanently from class May receive an “F” on his/her transcript

19 Assignments submitted through the anti-plagiarism service
Your work is compared with large database of Internet and text sources to verify.

20 Academic Dishonesty Copying or allowing others to copy work
Working with others above what is allowed Gaining unauthorized prior knowledge Transmitting or receiving information Misrepresenting situations for academic gain Manipulating the system (Scantron) Altering a grade in any way Violating rules of competitions or assignments

21 Academic Dishonesty Plagiarism (stealing others’ work and not giving credit) Downloading from Internet without giving credit to source THE USE OF AN ONLINE TRANSLATOR TO COMPLETE CLASS WORK, PROJECTS, ETC. Use of online translator: loss of some/all of points, may be asked to redo the assignment

22 Attendance Review School Policy.

23 Tardy Policy Review School policy.

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