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CSE 143 Lecture 14 More Recursive Programming; Grammars

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1 CSE 143 Lecture 14 More Recursive Programming; Grammars
reading: , 12.5; 13.3 slides created by Marty Stepp

2 Exercise Write a method crawl accepts a File parameter and prints information about that file. If the File object represents a normal file, just print its name. If the File object represents a directory, print its name and information about every file/directory inside it, indented. cse143 handouts syllabus.doc lecture_schedule.xls homework 1-sortedintlist index.html style.css recursive data: A directory can contain other directories.

3 File objects A File object (from the package) represents a file or directory on the disk. Constructor/method Description File(String) creates File object representing file with given name canRead() returns whether file is able to be read delete() removes file from disk exists() whether this file exists on disk getName() returns file's name isDirectory() returns whether this object represents a directory length() returns number of bytes in file listFiles() returns a File[] representing files in this directory renameTo(File) changes name of file

4 Public/private pairs We cannot vary the indentation without an extra parameter: public static void crawl(File f, String indent) { Often the parameters we need for our recursion do not match those the client will want to pass. In these cases, we instead write a pair of methods: 1) a public, non-recursive one with the parameters the client wants 2) a private, recursive one with the parameters we really need

5 Exercise solution 2 // Prints information about this file,
// and (if it is a directory) any files inside it. public static void crawl(File f) { crawl(f, ""); // call private recursive helper } // Recursive helper to implement crawl/indent behavior. private static void crawl(File f, String indent) { System.out.println(indent + f.getName()); if (f.isDirectory()) { // recursive case; print contained files/dirs for (File subFile : f.listFiles()) { crawl(subFile, indent + " ");

6 Recursive binary search (13.3)
Write a method binarySearch that accepts a sorted array of integers and a target integer value and returns the index of an occurrence of that target value in the array. If the target value is not found, return a negative number. Write the method recursively. int index = binarySearch(data, 42); // 10 int index2 = binarySearch(data, 66); // -1 or -14 index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 value -4 20 22 25 30 36 42 50 56 68 85 92 103

7 Exercise solution // Returns the index of an occurrence of the given value in // the given array, or a negative number if not found. // Precondition: a is sorted public static int binarySearch(int[] a, int target) { return binarySearch(a, target, 0, a.length - 1); } // Recursive helper to implement search behavior. private static int binarySearch(int[] a, int target, int min, int max) { if (min > max) { return -1; // not found } else { int mid = (min + max) / 2; if (a[mid] == target) { return mid; // found it! } else if (a[mid] < target) { // middle element too small; search right half return binarySearch(a, target, mid + 1, max); } else { // a[mid] < target // middle element too large; search left half

8 Languages and grammars
(formal) language: A set of words or symbols. grammar: A description of a language that describes which sequences of symbols are allowed in that language. describes language syntax (rules) but not semantics (meaning) can be used to generate strings from a language, or to determine whether a given string belongs to a given language

9 Backus-Naur (BNF) Backus-Naur Form (BNF): A syntax for describing language grammars in terms of transformation rules, of the form: <symbol> ::= <expression> | <expression> ... | <expression> terminal: A fundamental symbol of the language. non-terminal: A high-level symbol describing language syntax, which can be transformed into other non-terminal or terminal symbol(s) based on the rules of the grammar. developed by two Turing-award-winning computer scientists in 1960 to describe their new ALGOL programming language

10 An example BNF grammar <s> ::= <n> <v> <n> ::= Marty | Victoria | Stuart | Jessica <v> ::= cried | slept | belched Some sentences that could be generated from this grammar: Marty slept Jessica belched Stuart cried

11 BNF grammar version 2 <s> ::= <np> <v> <np> ::= <pn> | <dp> <n> <pn> ::= Marty | Victoria | Stuart | Jessica <dp> ::= a | the <n> ::= ball | hamster | carrot | computer <v> ::= cried | slept | belched Some sentences that could be generated from this grammar: the carrot cried Jessica belched a computer slept

12 BNF grammar version 3 <s> ::= <np> <v> <np> ::= <pn> | <dp> <adj> <n> <pn> ::= Marty | Victoria | Stuart | Jessica <dp> ::= a | the <adj> ::= silly | invisible | loud | romantic <n> ::= ball | hamster | carrot | computer <v> ::= cried | slept | belched Some sentences that could be generated from this grammar: the invisible carrot cried Jessica belched a computer slept a romantic ball belched

13 Grammars and recursion
<s> ::= <np> <v> <np> ::= <pn> | <dp> <adjp> <n> <pn> ::= Marty | Victoria | Stuart | Jessica <dp> ::= a | the <adjp> ::= <adj> <adjp> | <adj> <adj> ::= silly | invisible | loud | romantic <n> ::= ball | hamster | carrot | computer <v> ::= cried | slept | belched Grammar rules can be defined recursively, so that the expansion of a symbol can contain that same symbol. There must also be expressions that expand the symbol into something non-recursive, so that the recursion eventually ends.

14 Grammar, final version <s>::=<np> <vp> <np>::=<dp> <adjp> <n>|<pn> <dp>::=the|a <adjp>::=<adj>|<adj> <adjp> <adj>::=big|fat|green|wonderful|faulty|subliminal <n>::=dog|cat|man|university|father|mother|child <pn>::=John|Jane|Sally|Spot|Fred|Elmo <vp>::=<tv> <np>|<iv> <tv>::=hit|honored|kissed|helped <iv>::=died|collapsed|laughed|wept Could this grammar generate the following sentences? Fred honored the green wonderful child big Jane wept the fat man fat Generate a random sentence using this grammar.

15 Sentence generation <s> <np> <vp> <pn> Fred
<tv> honored <dp> <adjp> <n> the <adj> child green wonderful

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