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Sedimentary Processes I

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Presentation on theme: "Sedimentary Processes I"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sedimentary Processes I
By: Athena Coleen Sugui

2 Earth’s External Processes
Weathering Weathering Mechanical Mass Wasting Chemical Erosion

3 Mechanical Weathering
Big rocks, broken down into little pieces Frost wedging Salt Crystal Growth Sheeting Biological Activities

4 What is Frost Wedging? Salt Crystal Growth -known as Haloclasty
-disintegration of rocks -leaves salt crystals What is Frost Wedging? Expands, Contracts, Breaks Hot days, Cold nights

5 Sheeting and Exfoliation
-Peeling off in Sheets -Pressure-release jointing -Thin layers Sheeting and Exfoliation

6 Biological Weathering

7 Water and Carbonic Acid
Chemical Weathering Water and Carbonic Acid Hydrolysis -CO2 reacts with water =Carbonic acid -Attacks different kind of rocks -leaves pockets(caves) Spheroidal Weathering Weathering of Granite

8 Hydrolysis -silicate minerals; altered by the process Hydrolysis
-compound reacts with water (forming one or two substances); -Rock forming minerals;

9 Spheroidal Weathering and Granite Weathering
-crumbled; -Concentric shells of decayed rock (most are granite); -loosened or separated; -edges are rounded; -Jointed;

10 Factors that Affect the Rate of Weathering
Climate - warmer temperature speeds up chemical reactions - water allows molecules to move faster Rock Composition – harder rocks (slower rate) - soft rocks (faster rate) Surface Area – rocks exposed (increases rate) - less surface area (slower rate)

11 References

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