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Meeting of Working Group Data & Information Sharing (DIS)

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting of Working Group Data & Information Sharing (DIS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting of Working Group Data & Information Sharing (DIS)
under the Common Implementation Strategy of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) 28-29/04/2015

2 Content Reporting products/tools affected on the revision of the WFD data model Sequence for the implementation of the products and tools Re-planning of the test phase (new schedule) 7

3 1. Reporting products and tolos affected
UML WFD Reporting Guide and GIS Guide XML Schemas for spatial and descriptive data XML files QA/QC tools GML files Shapefiles Access DB

4 2. Sequence of implementation
UML under revision (v.5) Adaptation of the reporting products: XSD, Access, GML/Shapes Adaptation of the QA/QC (section 2-5) validations and generation of new ones Access to XML transformation tool (refactoring) Shape to GML tool QA/QC testing area for section 2 rules QA/QC testing area for section 3-5 rules Update of the WFD reporting Guidance Update of the GIS Guidance Update of the QA/QC specifications document

5 Final Version (after MS revision)
Around a month for MS for the testing 3. Re-planning of the test phase ID Product / Tool Draft version Deadline for comments Final Version (after MS revision) 1 UML v 5.0 {Including Annex0 structure} XML Schemas 5.0 Access Database 5.0 template GML Schemas 5.0 Shapefiles templates 20/05/15 12/06/15 26/06/15 2 Access to XML transformation tool (adaptation to v 5.0 {Including Annex0 structure}) Shape to GML transformation tool (adaptation to v 5.0) 01/06/15 19/06/15 3 QA/QC testing area for section 2 – within schema checks 15/06/15 End of August End of October (operational release) 4 QA/QC testing area for section 3 – cross schema checks QA/QC testing area for section 4 – statistics 5 QA/QC testing area for section 5 – Annex 0 structure check 03/07/15 6 WFD Reporting guidance 2016 v. 5.0 -- End of June 7 QA/QC specifications document 8 GIS reporting guidance 2016 5

6 Questions?

7 THANK YOU Alberto Telletxea Enrique Soriano
Iker Garcia Marisa Ruiz

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