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Turning The Tide – Staff Health and Wellbeing

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Presentation on theme: "Turning The Tide – Staff Health and Wellbeing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Turning The Tide – Staff Health and Wellbeing
Mathew Tidball (Lead Physiotherapist) Rachel Turner (Lead Occupational Therapist) Mat thank the panel and introduce presentation Mat and Rach introduce themselves.

2 MAT – set the scene ANNUAL COST OF SICKNESS ABSENCE – 28 million excluding bank agency and overtime Ongoing/complex issue WG funded, HB successful with this model . HB has been looking at a number of initiatives to manage attendance and reduce sickness absence. ABMU HB covers a population of approximately half a million and has a budget of £1.3 billion The Staff Wellbeing and Attendance Project has been introduced within ABMU HB utilising Invest to Save Funding from Welsh Government. This innovative approach utilises the unique skills of AHP’s and Human Resources to provide specific and targeted wellbeing and attendance management support to sickness ‘hotspot’ areas within the Health Board. ABMU Health Board employs 16,500 staff and in 2014 the sickness absence rate of 6.1% was high when compared to other Health Boards. Therefore, a bid was developed for Welsh Government, requesting Invest to Save funding for a well-being team to work with ‘hot-spot’ areas to ‘test’ innovative solutions to reducing sickness absence

3 Initial Project Work MAT
Innovative way of working with AHP’s working closely with HR and embedding within sickness hotspot areas. Our HR colleague was key in identifying the high sickness absence areas Sickness rates for each area at the start ?? Currently an ongoing project and this presentation is the story so far with some early evaluation and estimated cost savings Ongoing project currently working with:

4 Individual Benefits N = 45 Rach
Peoples subjective sense of health and wellbeing has improved significantly closely followed by mood and pain symptoms. Number 45 participants (May be best to keep this figure to avoid questioning as 169 referrals received) VAS most powerful figure – large improvement demonstrated. Individual outcomes recorded pre and post intervention using valid and reliable outcome measure EQ5DL Mention why the stayed to same section is high – likely to because if someone scored 1 pre Ax then they can not improve post intervention, RESEARCH what is the statistical significance???

5 Portering Sickness figures - Cost Savings
Rach As well as looking at individiual benefits we’ve also looked at wider health board benefits as part of our early evaluation. Set the scene for Morriston hospital – very large acute hospital, over 4000 staff 750 beds Morriston Porters – 108 in post and recruited more The Project began working with the Portering service at Morriston Hospital in August The cumulative sickness figure was 11.56% and by October 2016 this had reduced to 7.34% an estimated cost saving to the Health Board of £85,041 – without ON costs Calculated Cost effectiveness Approximate hrs contributed by each member of the team Beth and Mat = 200 hrs, Rach =171 hrs committed to the portering dept Between August 2015 and July 2016 This is an approximate cost of – £10, 707 excluding ON costs which are NI and pension Potential cost savings - £74, 334 increaseing number of WTE’s in the system. Awareness post July 2016 what has happened since? What is the sickness figure now? Increased post July 2016 – our HR manager is in regular contact with portering manager to keep a finger on the pulse regarding issues and offering support.

6 Next Steps Mat

7 Building on Successful Foundations
Invest to Save Health at Work multi-disciplinary team demonstrated successful outcomes in ‘hotspot’ work and innovative ways of working “The fact that we can be treated while in work makes a big difference because we don’t have to take a lot of time off. I found it really useful.” National All Wales interest in this approach from HB Leads Mat

8 New Approach Rach In line with the Parliamentary review of Health and Social Care – A revolution from Within Tranforming Health anc Care in Wales. Unified vision and embedded care initiatives Improving value and reducing waste Too much current care is reactive- we need to explore prevention and health promotion Maximise the use of technology- use of wellbeing apps Importance of staff wellbeing. Continue with Co production approach.

9 Evidence of Problem Rach
Evidence base shows MSK and Mild-moderate mental health are main contributors of staff absence (Black 2009, Boorman 2012) 5.5% annual sickness absence = 850 staff absent daily 31% of ABMU sickness absence - stress, anxiety and depression 25% - Musculoskeletal (MSK) Early Intervention/Prudent health maximises health and wellbeing outcomes Work as pre-habilitation and support for health Limitations of traditional OH model

10 Reason for Sickness Absence

11 Prudent Service Model: Staff Wellbeing Advice & Support Service
Combines expertise of Health at Work Team and Occupational Health Self referral – single point of access Tiered support based on need = prudent 1:1 and group based support Looking to the future – skype, apps Self management/resource model Increased awareness/utilises existing resource Includes upstream, prevention Increasing evidence base to support effectiveness Highly Specialist Support Specialist Support Mat May launch General Support/Advice/Signposting

12 Evaluation Rach Reduced Sickness Absence – more staff in work improving services and delivering more efficient, quality patient care Reduced costs of variable pay Standardised Outcome Measure – EQ5D Qualitative Feedback Cultural Changes: improved communication & engagement; empowerment to seek support / ownership of own health / reduce learnt helplessness / okay not be okay

13 Sustainability MAT Sustainability and future plans Empowering
COST EFFECTIVENESS – our team pays for itself in cost savings as demonstrated in the early figures. We have proved that this model can work and that our team is self sustaining if given the time and resource to embed within the identified hotspot areas.

14 Qualitative Feedback ‘Recently joined the Health Board and the support is brilliant’ ‘Feel happier in my workplace’ ‘Better knowledge of day to day work related prevention of reoccurrence’ ‘Brilliant, glad that we are working with the area’ RACH Feedback forms issued to all participants to monitor individual outcomes and improve service ‘Interesting stress session and techniques to combat it’

15 Rach Closing remarks/conclusion

16 Questions Close and questions from the panel.

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