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Treatment guideline and algorithm for Advanced Stage Follicular and Nodal Marginal Zone* Lymphomas All patients should be considered for, and offered,

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Presentation on theme: "Treatment guideline and algorithm for Advanced Stage Follicular and Nodal Marginal Zone* Lymphomas All patients should be considered for, and offered,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Treatment guideline and algorithm for Advanced Stage Follicular and Nodal Marginal Zone* Lymphomas All patients should be considered for, and offered, NRCN/ MRC clinical trials at diagnosis and relapse Clinical scenario Patient fit Fit for transplant Patient less fit Fit for R-chemo but not transplant Patient unfit Not fit for R-chemo Asymptomatic + low tumour burden Watch & wait First line R-CVP (or R-CHOP) followed by R maintenance PACIFICO for patients aged 60+ (R-CVP x 8 v R-FC x 4 followed by R maintenance) Rituximab Second line R-based salvage followed by R-CHOP or R-B Autograft or allograft Clinical trial if available Low-dose chlorambucil and/or prednisolone if not Third line or if evidence of high-grade transformation R-based salvage followed by autograft or allograft Clinical trial Fourth line Fifth line Ibritumomab Tiuxetan (Zevalin)* Not applicable Prepared by: Professor A Pettitt and Dr A Arumainathan RLBUHT; November 2011 Updated Feb 2013 * Check MCCN quick guide to funding and for status of specific therapies

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