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Labmeeting Gernot Walko 15/12/2017

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Presentation on theme: "Labmeeting Gernot Walko 15/12/2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Labmeeting Gernot Walko 15/12/2017


3 How to find a job in academia?


5 Advice 1: start thinking about your career goals as early as possible
Classic academic tenure-track career at a university Research-focused universities (e.g. Russell Group in the UK) Teaching-focused universities (e.g. Million+ Group in the UK) Career development fellow at university Group leader at a Research Institute These places will look for different things in your CV!

6 Advice 2: work on your CV, make sure you will be able to tick all the boxes
Essential criteria (this is only an example): Postdoctoral experience in a relevant research field Published papers in high quality peer-reviewed journals High level of proficiency in experimental techniques (as appropriate to discipline) Record of successful supervision of researchers Experience of teaching at UG/PG level Demonstrated potential to attract research funds Excellent presentation and communication skills (e.g. in publishing and presenting research, training and outreach activities) – both oral and written Leadership, organisational and administrative skills Ability to organise and prioritise own and others’ workloads Ability to be an effective interdisciplinary teamworker Commitment to safe working practices Commitment to working within professional and ethical codes of conduct Commitment to collaborative and interdisciplinary research

7 Advice 3: make sure you will get excellent recommendation letters
Usually a minimum of three referees is required! Don’t wait to the last minute – let your referees know well in advance that you are about to begin hunting for jobs.

8 Advice 4: think about the research you want to do in your own lab
Think about the golden thread that links past-, present-, and future research. The research you have done in the past and that you are doing now influences the research you will do in your future! Think about how to find a research niche that will help to distinguish yourself from your current PI.

9 Advice 5: establish your support network of collaborators and mentors
Find the people that will support you in your job, also during difficult times. Find collaborators that are reliable. Try to have a good mix of junior and senior scientists in your support network.

10 Where to look for jobs? In the UK: International:
Nature Jobs Target places you feel would be a good match, sign up to receive news letters and job adverts Activate your network

11 Where to look for jobs? Sit down and think about the places you want to apply for. What environment do you need for your research? How mobile can you be? What are your language barriers? Be realistic about your CV. Also apply for positions that are no your top choice – get interview training!

12 Preparing for job applications
Have an up-to-date chronological CV (4-5 pages, with publications list where the five most important papers are highlighted and summarized) Have a 2-3 pages research proposal written up that summarizes your past, present and future research; the future research vision should cover the first 5 years once you start your own lab. Think carefully about the people, technology and infrastructure you will need to successfully do your research – find your collaborators. Think about who will fund your research. Have a one page cover letter drafted: why are you the BEST ONE for this job? Prepare a 20/30min job seminar covering your past, present and future research

13 Once you are invited for interview:
Do your background research about the place that considers hiring you. Know the core facts. What research/teaching is the Department doing? Who are the people in the faculty, what research do they do? How will you integrate into the Department, who will you interact with? Prepare for the interview questions: Why you? Why now? Why here? How will you fit in? What is it that you bring to the University/Department? What is your ambition/vision? Who will fund your research? What facilities/equipment/ staff will you need? Rehearse your job seminar with colleagues and senior faculty members. Train the interview with senior faculty members.

14 And finally… Be perseverant! You will need a tough skin! You will have to learn to how to deal with rejection and to learn from it! All the best wishes for your job hunts!!! May the force be with you ;-)

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