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Rejecting Jesus Mark 6:1-6.

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Presentation on theme: "Rejecting Jesus Mark 6:1-6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rejecting Jesus Mark 6:1-6

2 Jesus Rejecting Mark 6:1-6
I. A Crowd Respectful of His Position, vv.1-2a A. The Place they Gathered B. The Permission they Granted II. A Calloused Rejection of His Preaching,vv.2-3 A. A Dynamic Impact - “they were astonished” B. A Diverted Issue - “Where? What?” C. A Disastrous Iniquity - “offended at Him” Rejecting Jesus Mark 6:1-6

3 Jesus Rejecting Mark 6:1-6
III. A Consequential Restriction of His Power, vv.4-6 A. Regard for the Savior (4) B. Refusal by the Savior (5) C. Reaction of the Savior (6) Rejecting Jesus Mark 6:1-6

4 Rejecting Jesus Mark 6:1-6

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