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CSE 331 Software Design and Implementation
Lecture 12 Subtypes and Subclasses Leah Perlmutter / Summer 2018
Announcements Building
You must run ant validate to make sure your homework builds on attu!!!!!! In real life, software that doesn’t build on the build server is no software at all Submitting on time Reminder: max 2 late days per assignment. The end of late days is 48 hours after the deadline Work submitted after this deadline will not receive credit - non-building homeworks will get 20% deducted from total pointage For HW3, 10% since you were just learning how to use ant validate Build errors and submission errors make the staff very disappointed Build errors on attu are completely preventable, as long as you do your due dilligence and run ant validate We want to see you succeed! We can’t help you if you don’t help yourself!!!
Announcements Section tomorrow!
includes extra help for hw5 at the end of class. No reading assignment this week Next reading assignment is due Wednesday 7/25 HW5 due tomorrow Office Hours update Haiqiao’s office hours permanently moved from Friday morning to Thursday night Midterm to be graded on Sunday CTL feedback Thank you for your course eval feedback!!! In your feedback you requested that we post readings and quizzes sooner, so we’ll do our best to do that form now on! Amount of information on slides Some ppl think it’s perfect, some think too much I inherited these wonderful slides from my predecessors I’ve made changes where necessary, and kept a lot of the material as is the slides are for you to study from – I may not cover every bullet point on the slides in class, but I don’t want to remove relevant stuff since then you wouldn’t have that to study from when you review slides. You like interactive class activities Will continue these! getting lots of answers on a question talking to classmates You like practice and examples and worksheets in section Thanks for this feedback, your TAs have worked very hard to improve the worksheets and practice We inherited section materials that have a decreasing amount of worksheets and examples as the quarter goes on We will continue to improve the sections as our time permits!
The Liskov Substitution Principle
Let P(x) be a property provable about objects x of type T. Then P(y) should be true for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T. This means B is a subtype of A if anywhere you can use an A, you could also use a B. Barbara Liskov was a pioneer in the development of Object Oriented Programming If you ever have the opportunity to hear her speak, I’d highly recommend it! -- Barbara Liskov
The Liskov Substitution Principle
Let P(x) be a property provable about objects x of type T. Then P(y) should be true for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T. I’ll see you again soon! This means B is a subtype of A if anywhere you can use an A, you could also use a B. Barbara Liskov was a pioneer in the development of Object Oriented Programming If you ever have the opportunity to hear her speak, I’d highly recommend it! -- Barbara Liskov
What is subtyping? LibraryHolding A
Book CD Necessary but not sufficient “every B is an A” Example: In a library database: Every book is a library holding Every CD is a library holding “B is a subtype of A” means: “every object that satisfies the rules for a B also satisfies the rules for an A” Goal: code written using A's specification operates correctly even if given a B Plus: clarify design, share tests, (sometimes) share code Shape Circle Rhombus
Subtypes are substitutable
Subtypes are substitutable for supertypes Instances of subtype won't surprise client by failing to satisfy the supertype's specification Instances of subtype won't surprise client by having more expectations than the supertype's specification This follows the “Principle of Least Surprise” We say that B is a true subtype of A if B has a stronger specification than A This is not the same as a Java subtype Java subtypes that are not true subtypes are confusing and dangerous But unfortunately common poor-design
Subtyping vs. subclassing
Substitution (subtype) — a specification notion B is a subtype of A iff an object of B can masquerade as an object of A in any context About satisfiability (behavior of a B is a subset of A’s spec) Inheritance (subclass) — an implementation notion Factor out repeated code To create a new class, write only the differences Java purposely merges these notions for classes: Every subclass is a Java subtype But not necessarily a true subtype Java lets you make a subclass that is not a true subtype If you try to do this, you will end up with a vey interesting contradiction in your spec... stay tuned It’s up to the programmer to ensure that subclasses are proper subtypes Java isn’t smart enough to do this for you (Java would allow you to make a superclass Cat and subclass Animal) you know this is wrong some cases are subtler
Inheritance makes adding functionality easy
Suppose we run a web store with a class for products… class Product { private String title; private String description; private int price; // in cents public int getPrice() { return price; } public int getTax() { return (int)(getPrice() * 0.096); … ... and we need a class for products that are on sale
We know: don’t copy code!
We would never dream of cutting and pasting like this: class SaleProduct { private String title; private String description; private int price; // in cents private float factor; public int getPrice() { return (int)(price*factor); } public int getTax() { return (int)(getPrice() * 0.096); …
Inheritance makes small extensions small
Much better: class SaleProduct extends Product { private float factor; public int getPrice() { return (int)(super.getPrice()*factor); }
Benefits of subclassing & inheritance
Don’t repeat unchanged fields and methods In implementation Simpler maintenance: fix bugs once In specification Clients who understand the superclass specification need only study novel parts of the subclass Modularity: can ignore private fields and methods of superclass (if properly defined) Differences not buried under mass of similarities Ability to substitute new implementations No client code changes required to use new subclasses
Subclassing can be misused
Poor planning can lead to a muddled class hierarchy Relationships may not match untutored intuition Poor design can produce subclasses that depend on many implementation details of superclasses Changes in superclasses can break subclasses “fragile base class problem” Subtyping and implementation inheritance are orthogonal! Subclassing gives you both Sometimes you want just one Interfaces: subtyping without inheritance [see also section] Composition: use implementation without subtyping Can seem less convenient, but often better long-term There are upcoming slide that shows an example of composition (Hashtable, InstrumentedHashSet: 2nd try )
Is every square a rectangle?
interface Rectangle { // effects: fits shape to given size: // thispost.width = w, thispost.height = h void setSize(int w, int h); } interface Square extends Rectangle {…} Are any of these good options for Square’s setSize specification? // requires: w = h // effects: fits shape to given size void setSize(int w, int h); // effects: sets all edges to given size void setSize(int edgeLength); // effects: sets this.width and this.height to w void setSize(int w, int h); // effects: fits shape to given size // throws BadSizeException if w != h void setSize(int w, int h) throws BadSizeException; Remember, before you make a subclass, you need to make sure the proposed subclass is a true subtype it must have a stronger specification than the superclass on a method, require less, promise more. Here’s what can happen if you misuse subclassing 1. Doesn’t require less 2. Doesn’t override superclass’s method 3. Breaks substitutability / principle of least surprise (what if you expected a rectangle but got a square) 4. Breaks substitutability / principle of least surprise
Square, Rectangle Unrelated (Subtypes)
Square is not a (true subtype of) Rectangle: Rectangles are expected to have a width and height that can be mutated independently Squares violate that expectation, could surprise client Rectangle is not a (true subtype of) Square: Squares are expected to have equal widths and heights Rectangles violate that expectation, could surprise client Subtyping is not always intuitive Benefit: it forces clear thinking and prevents errors Solutions: Make them unrelated (or siblings) Make them immutable (!) Recovers mathematical intuition Square Rectangle This is a case where we want two classes to share implementation but can’t make one a subclass of the other This is a challenging topic, so if you’re scratching your head, you’re not alone! Take a few minutes to discuss square, rectangle, and subtyping with two neighbors Re-explain, in your own words, why subclassing breaks here Discuss how immutability could change things Come up with questions about square/rectangle/subclassing Shape Square Rectangle
Inappropriate subtyping in the JDK
class Hashtable<K,V> { public void put(K key, V value){…} public V get(K key){…} } // Keys and values are strings. class Properties extends Hashtable<Object,Object> { public void setProperty(String key, String val) { put(key,val); public String getProperty(String key) { return (String)get(key); Properties p = new Properties(); Hashtable tbl = p; tbl.put("One", 1); p.getProperty("One"); // crash!
Violation of rep invariant
Properties class has a simple rep invariant: Keys and values are Strings But client can treat Properties as a Hashtable Can put in arbitrary content, break rep invariant From Javadoc: Because Properties inherits from Hashtable, the put and putAll methods can be applied to a Properties object. ... If the store or save method is called on a "compromised" Properties object that contains a non-String key or value, the call will fail.
Solution 1: Generics Bad choice:
class Properties extends Hashtable<Object,Object> { … } Better choice: class Properties extends Hashtable<String,String> { … JDK designers didn’t do this. Why? Backward-compatibility (Java didn’t used to have generics) Postpone talking about generics: upcoming lecture Why not ”extends HashTable<String, String>??? Properties was introduced in Java 1 Generics were introduced in Java 5 HashMap would be even better than Hashtable: not synchronized, permits null values, has a failsafe enumerator
Solution 2: Composition
class Properties { private Hashtable<Object, Object> hashtable; public void setProperty(String key, String value) { hashtable.put(key,value); } public String getProperty(String key) { return (String) hashtable.get(key); … Mentioned composition earlier as a way to share an implementation without using subclassing We’ll see composition more in depth in a few minutes.
Liskov Substitution Principle
If B is a subtype of A, a B can always be substituted for an A Any property guaranteed by A must be guaranteed by B Anything provable about an A is provable about a B If an instance of subtype is treated purely as supertype (only supertype methods/fields used), then the result should be consistent with an object of the supertype being manipulated (Principle of Least Surprise) B is permitted to strengthen properties and add properties Fine to add new methods (that preserve invariants) An overriding method must have a stronger (or equal) spec B is not permitted to weaken a spec No method removal No overriding method with a weaker spec
Liskov Substitution Principle
Constraints on methods For each supertype method, subtype must have such a method Could be inherited or overridden Each overriding method must strengthen (or match) the spec: Ask nothing extra of client (“weaker precondition”) Requires clause is at most as strict as in supertype’s method Guarantee at least as much (“stronger postcondition”) Effects clause is at least as strict as in the supertype method No new entries in modifies clause Promise more (or the same) in returns clause Throws clause must indicate the same circumstances and must throw a subtype (or same exception type) A stronger method spec has a weaker precondition a stronger postcondition
Spec strengthening: argument/result types
Method inputs: In theory, argument types in A’s foo may be replaced with supertypes in B’s foo (“contravariance”) Places no extra demand on the clients But Java does not have such overriding (Why? – exercise for the reader) Method results: Result type of A’s foo may be replaced by a subtype in B’s foo (“covariance”) No new exceptions (for values in the domain) Existing exceptions can be replaced with subtypes (None of this violates what client can rely on) A B LibraryHolding Book CD Shape Circle Rhombus exercise for the reader you won’t be tested on this, don’t worry I actually don’t know the answer, but have some ideas of what the pitfalls might be would love to discuss after class
Substitution exercise
Suppose we have a method which, when given one product, recommends another: class Product { Product recommend(Product ref); } Which of these are possible forms of this method in SaleProduct (a true subtype of Product)? Product recommend(SaleProduct ref); SaleProduct recommend(Product ref); Product recommend(Object ref); Product recommend(Product ref) throws NoSaleException; // bad Looking for stronger spec weaker precondition stronger postcondition has stronger precondition: Argument type more strict has stronger postcondition: return type more strict has weaker precondition: argument type less strict – but Java can’t correctly resolve method calls, so it won’t work as expected has incomparable throws clause (not stronger spec) // OK // OK, but is Java overloading // bad
Java subtyping/subclassing
Java types: Defined by classes, interfaces, primitives Java subtyping stems from B extends A and B implements A declarations In a Java subtype/subclass, each corresponding method has: Same argument types If different, overloading: unrelated methods Compatible (covariant) return types A (somewhat) recent language feature, not reflected in (e.g.) clone No additional declared exceptions Java subclassing has a slight mismatch with true subtyping Not going to dissect it any more than this, but it’s a necessary thing to be aware of when you create subclasses. Extended version: (don’t go into this in lecture) Java subtyping constraints are neither necessary nor sufficient for true subtyping unnecessary: overriding methods must have exact same argument types in true subtyping, subtype’s method could have arguments of a supertype insufficient java’s subclassing requirements don’t guarantee that the spec of the subclass is stronger than the spec of the superclass e.g. Java can make guarantees about return *type* but not about *what* is returned
Java subtyping guarantees
A variable’s run-time type (i.e., the class of its run-time value) is a Java subtype of its declared type Object o = new Date(); // OK Date d = new Object(); // compile-time error If a variable of declared (compile-time) type T1 holds a reference to an object of actual (runtime) type T2, then T2 must be a Java subtype of T1 Corollaries: Objects always have implementations of the methods specified by their declared type If all subtypes are true subtypes, then all objects meet the specification of their declared type Rules out a huge class of bugs Bad casts can break this --- draw unsafe cast on board code will compile but not run Object o = new Object(); Date d = (Date)o; // throws ClassCastException d.getTime();
Summary so far Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
If B is a subtype of A then you could use a B anywhere you can use an A Code relying on A’s spec operates correctly if given a B Related to Principle of Least Surprise True subtypes follow the LSP! Subtype must have a stronger spec than the supertype Subtype’s methods have stronger spec weaker preconditions, stronger postconditions Java subtypes Use Java subtyping if you want implementation reuse AND you have a true subtype Otherwise... need a different solution code relying on A’s spec operates correctly if given a B
Summary so far If B is a true subtype of A...
B can be a Java subclass of A But... what if A is not “subclass-ready”? But... what if A and B do not share any implementation? If B is not a true subtype of A B should NOT be a Java subclass of A Java will allow B to be a subclass of A but there are pitfalls (e.g. square/rectangle) Java compiler is not smart enough to protect you But... what if I want to reuse code from A in B? code reuse is good; duplication is evil! [dramatic transition to next section] code relying on A’s spec operates correctly if given a B
Alternatives to Subtyping:
Composition and Interfaces So far, we’ve learned
Inheritance can break encapsulation
public class InstrumentedHashSet<E> extends HashSet<E> { private int addCount = 0; // count # insertions public InstrumentedHashSet(Collection<? extends E> c){ super(c); } public boolean add(E o) { addCount++; return super.add(o); public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) { addCount += c.size(); return super.addAll(c); public int getAddCount() { return addCount; } InstrumentedHashSet is a true subtype of HashSet note: going to reuse this example in the lecture on design patterns 2 (decorator)
Dependence on implementation
What does this code print? InstrumentedHashSet<String> s = new InstrumentedHashSet<String>(); System.out.println(s.getAddCount()); s.addAll(Arrays.asList("CSE", "331")); Answer depends on implementation of addAll in HashSet Different implementations may behave differently! If HashSet’s addAll calls add, then double-counting AbstractCollection’s addAll specification: “Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this collection.” Does not specify whether it calls add Lesson: Subclassing often requires designing for extension // 0 // 4?! InstrumentedHashSet is a true subtype of HashSet (no tricks here) But... HashSet was not designed for this kind of extension See Effective Java!
Solutions Design HashSet for extension Indicate all self-calls
Unfortunately, this is not possible Avoid self-calls in subclass InstrumentedHashSet: “Re-implement” methods such as addAll Requires re-implementing methods Neither of these is a great solution. Try an alternative to subclassing. 3. Avoid self-calls in InstrumentedHashSet: Use a wrapper (composition)! Moral of the story: If you want your code to be subclass-ready, design with this in mind If you extend a superclass that isn’t subclass-ready, be prepared to jump through extra hoops InstrumentedHashSet is a true subtype of HashSet, but for logistical reasons we can’t make it a Java subclass
Solution 3: composition
Delegate public class InstrumentedHashSet<E> { private final HashSet<E> s = new HashSet<E>(); private int addCount = 0; public InstrumentedHashSet(Collection<? extends E> c){ this.addAll(c); } public boolean add(E o) { addCount++; return s.add(o); public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) { addCount += c.size(); return s.addAll(c); public int getAddCount() { return addCount; } // ... and every other method specified by HashSet<E> No longer calls InstrumentedHashSet’s add method
Summary so far: Composition
Composition (wrappers, delegation) Easy to reason about; self-calls are irrelevant Example of a “wrapper” class Works around badly-designed / badly-specified classes Disadvantages (often worthwhile): Does not preserve subtyping Boilerplate code (your IDE should help you) Implementation reuse without inheritance Great solution for implementation reuse when not a proper subtype Acceptable when you have a proper subtype but the superclass is not subclass-ready
Composition breaks polymorphism
InstrumentedHashSet is not a HashSet anymore So can't easily substitute it It may be a true subtype of HashSet But Java doesn't know that! Java requires declared relationships Not enough just to meet specification Interfaces to the rescue Can declare that we implement interface Set If such an interface exists InstrumentedHashSet can’t be used wherever HashSet could be used technically it can, but Java doesn’t know, so the compiler will complain if we try to do this
Interfaces reintroduce Java subtyping
public class InstrumentedHashSet<E> implements Set<E>{ private final Set<E> s = new HashSet<E>(); private int addCount = 0; public InstrumentedHashSet(Collection<? extends E> c){ this.addAll(c); } public boolean add(E o) { addCount++; return s.add(o); public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) { addCount += c.size(); return s.addAll(c); public int getAddCount() { return addCount; } // ... and every other method specified by Set<E> Now InstrumentedHashSet can be used wherever a Set can be used... just like HashSet
Interfaces to the rescue!
Provide interfaces for your functionality Client code to interfaces rather than concrete classes Allows different implementations later Facilitates composition, wrapper classes Basis of lots of useful, clever techniques We'll see more of these later (Design Patterns) Lets an object have more types than inheritance alone
Side note: abstract classes
Consider also providing helper/template abstract classes Abstract class is a hybrid between interface and concrete class Cannot be instantiated Can implement the methods or leave them to subclasses Can minimize number of methods that new implementation must provide Makes writing new implementations much easier Not necessary to use them to implement an interface, so retain freedom to create radically different implementations that meet an interface Recommended by Effective Java!
Java genealogy // root interface of collection hierarchy interface Collection<E> // skeletal implementation of Collection<E> abstract class AbstractCollection<E> implements Collection<E> // type of all ordered collections interface List<E> extends Collection<E> // skeletal implementation of List<E> abstract class AbstractList<E> extends AbstractCollection<E> implements List<E> // an old friend... class ArrayList<E> extends AbstractList<E>
Why interfaces instead of classes?
Java design decisions: A class has exactly one superclass A class may implement multiple interfaces An interface may extend multiple interfaces Observation: Multiple superclasses are difficult to use and to implement Multiple interfaces, single superclass gets most of the benefit
Pluses and minuses of inheritance
Inheritance is a powerful way to achieve code reuse Inheritance can break encapsulation A subclass may need to depend on unspecified details of the implementation of its superclass E.g., pattern of self-calls Subclass may need to evolve in tandem with superclass Okay within a package where implementation of both is under control of same programmer Authors of superclass should design and document self-use, to simplify extension Otherwise, avoid implementation inheritance and use composition instead
Summary Subtyping LSP: If B is a subtype of A then you could use a B anywhere you can use an A A proper subtype follows the LSP! Alternatives to subtyping Interfaces: subtyping, without implementation inheritance can have multiple interface types but only one parent class If your proposed subtype follows the LSP, but you want multiple supertypes, use interfaces! Composition: implementation reuse without subtyping If your proposed subtype does not follow the LSP, use composition!
Cheat Sheet B is a true subtype of A. How do I code this up?
Use java subclassing! (B extends A) B is not a true subtype of A, but shares a lot with A. How do I code this up? It's tempting to use java subclassing when B is not a true subtype of A (Square/Rectangle) avoid it, since you might run into issues like the square/rectangle issue But I don't want to duplicate all the code in A. Duplication is evil. you're right! try Composition. (B has a A) B is a true subtype of A, but has an entirely different implementation. I don't want to inherit anything, but Java needs to know they're the same type for polymorphism to work. How do I code this up? A and B should implement the same interface.
Cheat Sheet B is a true subtype of A, but A is an existing class that I can't modify and it's not subclass-ready (Hashtable/InstrumentedHashTable) Composition will be helpful here too! (B has a A) And, if possible, have B implement the same interface as A, for polymorphism. D is a true subtype of A and of T. Java only has single inheritance. How do I code up this relationship? Use interfaces. D can implement interface A and interface T. Or extend one as a class and implement the other as an interface.
Announcements Building
You must run ant validate to make sure your homework builds on attu!!!!!! Submitting on time Work submitted after the late days deadline will not receive credit HW5 due tomorrow Office Hours update Haiqiao’s office hours permanently moved from Friday morning to Thursday night
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