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Developing skills for an inclusive future in the world of work

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1 Developing skills for an inclusive future in the world of work
Guy Ryder, Director-General International Labour Organization G20 Joint Meeting of Education and Labour Ministers 6 September 2018, Mendoza, Argentina

2 Which skills and qualifications?
Changing world of work and skills Changing work organisation Globalisation and trade integration Climate change Demographic change Technological change Which jobs? Which tasks? Which skills and qualifications? Policies need to tackle multiple global challenges from a whole-of-government approach across different ministerial mandates

3 Skills demand Change in employment by skill level (low, medium, high) in G20 countries Source: ILO modelled estimates

4 … but skills shortages are emerging
Stagnant or declining skills levels among adults Rising demand for high-level cognitive and social skills This results in shortages in high-level cognitive and social skills in many G20 countries

5 ... which calls for rethinking lifelong learning
Public policies for a well-resourced, learner-centered and rights-based lifelong learning system leaving no one behind

6 Financing Lifelong Learning
A rights-based approach. Expanding education funding from targeting only children and youth to workers and job seekers. Diversification of funding sources. Financial incentives to target individuals and social protection coverage. Financial incentives to engage employers in training provision. Financial incentives to align training provision and labour market needs.

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