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Influence Strategies: Examples of Strong Writing from MGT 360

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1 Influence Strategies: Examples of Strong Writing from MGT 360
Wayne Smith, Ph.D. Department of Management CSU Northridge

2 What are Influence Strategies?
Transforming power into influence requires an understanding of the difference between power and influence. Influential people have power, but not all powerful people have influence. Influence entails actually securing the consent of others to work with you in accomplishing an objective. There are Three Basic Alternatives: Retribution Reciprocity Reason

3 Exemplars – Retribution
Force others to do what you say by coercion (threaten) or intimidation (pressure). General Form “If you don’t do X, you will regret it!” Threat “If you do not comply, I will punish you.” Social Pressure “Others in your group have agreed; what’s your decision?” Had Enough? “I will stop nagging you if you comply.” Perceived Scarcity and Time Pressure “If you don’t act now, you’ll lose this opportunity and/or cause problems for others.” Avoid Causing Pain to Others “If you don’t agree, others will be hurt and/or disadvantaged.”

4 Exemplars – Reciprocity
Help others want to do what you say by bargaining (i.e., an exchange) or ingratiation (i.e., an obligation). General Form “If you do X, you will receive Y.” Promise “If you do X, I will reward you.” Esteem “People you value will think better (or worse) of you if you do (or do not) comply.” Pre-giving “I will do something you like for you, then will you do this for me?” Obligation “You owe me compliance because of past favors (even though I implied there would be no future obligation).” Reciprocal Compromise “I have lowered my initial offer/price, and now I expect you to reciprocate (no matter how unreasonable my initial position was).” Escalation of Commitment “I’m only interested in a small commitment (but I’ll be back later for more).”

5 Exemplars – Reason Show others that it makes sense by presenting facts (or needs) or appealing to personal values (or goals). General Form “I want you to do X because it’s consistent with/good for/necessary to…” Evidence “These facts/experts’ opinions demonstrate the merits of my position/request.” Need “This is what I need; will you help me out?” Goal Attainment “Compliance will enable you to reach a personally important objective.” Value Congruence “This action is consistent with your commitment to X.” Ability “This endeavor would be enhanced if we could count on your ability/experience.” Loyalty “Because we are friends/minorities, will you do this?” Altruism “The group needs your support, so do it for the good of us all.”

6 References The categories for this presentation were excerpted and adapted from the following book: Cialdini, R. B. (2001) Influence: Science and Practice (4th ed.), Allyn and Bacon, Boston:MA.

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