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CS110D Programming Language I

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1 CS110D Programming Language I
Lab1 : Algorithmic Problem Solving Computer Science Department 2017

2 Lab Objectives: Lab Exercise 1:
After finishing this lab, the students will practice: Problem solving skills Designing simple algorithms with pseudocode and flowcharts. Lab Exercise 1: Design an algorithm to convert a farenhiet to celsius. Hint: celsius = (farenheit – 32) * 5/9

3 Lab Exercise 2: Write an algorithm to find area of a square.
Hint: Area of Square = side * side

4 Lab Exercise 3: Describe an algorithm that computes new salary of an employee. Assume the salary to have increased by 20% .

5 Assignment Problem(s)
For Q1 and Q2 given above Draw a flowchart. Write a Pseudocode. Q1: Write an algorithm to find whether a numbers entered by a user is even or odd? Hint: Even numbers are divisible by 2.

6 Q2: Distance If the diameter of moon is 1/4th of the diameter of earth. Design an algorithm that computes the diameter of moon. Assume diameter of earth as 12800km. Hint: Diameter of Moon =1/4 * Diameter of Earth

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