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Computers for the Post-PC Era

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1 Computers for the Post-PC Era
David Patterson University of California at Berkeley UC Berkeley IRAM Group UC Berkeley ISTORE Group May 2000

2 Perspective on Post-PC Era
PostPC Era will be driven by 2 technologies: 1) “Gadgets”:Tiny Embedded or Mobile Devices ubiquitous: in everything e.g., successor to PDA, cell phone, wearable computers 2) Infrastructure to Support such Devices e.g., successor to Big Fat Web Servers, Database Servers

3 VIRAM-1 Block Diagram

4 VIRAM-1: System on a Chip
Prototype scheduled for tape-out mid 2000 0.18 um EDL process 16 MB DRAM, 8 banks MIPS Scalar core and 200 MHz 4 64-bit vector unit 200 MHz 4 100 MB parallel I/O lines 17x17 mm, 2 Watts 25.6 GB/s memory (6.4 GB/s per direction and per Xbar) 1.6 Gflops (64-bit), 6.4 GOPs (16-bit) Memory (64 Mbits / 8 MBytes) C P U +$ Xbar 4 Vector Pipes/Lanes I/O Memory (64 Mbits / 8 MBytes)

5 Problem: General Element Permutation
16 1 15 Hardware for a full vector permutation instruction (128 16b elements, 256b datapath) Datapath: 16 x 16 (x 16b) crossbar; scales by 0(N^2) Control: to-1 multiplexors; scales by 0(N*logN) Other problems Consecutive result elements not written together; time/energy wasted on wide vector register file port

6 Simple Vector Permutations
1 15 Simple steps of butterfly permutations A register provides the butterfly radix Separate instructions for moving elements to left/right Sufficient semantics for Fast reductions of vector registers (dot products) Fast FFT/DCT kernels

7 Hardware for Simple Permutations
64 shift 3 Hardware for b elements, 256b datapath Datapath: 2 buses, 8 tristate drivers, 4 multiplexors, 4 shifters (by 0, 16b, 32b only); Scales by O(N) Control: 6 control cases; scales by O(N) Other benefits Consecutive result elements written together; Buses used only for small radices

8 FFT: Straight forward Problem: most time spent in short
vectors in later stages of FFT

9 FFT: Transpose inside Vector Regs

10 FFT: Straight forward

11 VIRAM-1 Design Status MIPS scalar core Vector unit Memory system
Synthesizable RTL code received from MIPS Cache RAMs to be compiled for IBM technology FPU RTL code almost compete Vector unit RTL models for sub-blocks developed; currently integrated and tested Control logic to be compiled for IBM technology Full-custom layout for multipliers/adders developed; layout for shifters to be developed Memory system Synthesizable model for DRAM controllers done To be integrated with IBM DRAM macros Full-custom layout for crossbar under development Testing infrastructure Environment developed for automatic test & validation Directed tests for single/multiple instruction groups developed Random instruction sequence generator developed

12 FPU Features Executes MIPS IV ISA single-precision FP instructions
Thirty-two 32-bit Floating Point Registers Two 32-bit Control Registers One 3-cycle (division takes 10 cycles) fully pipelined, nearly full IEEE-754 compliant, execution unit (from Albert 6-stage pipeline (R-X-X-X-CDB-WB) Support for partial out-of-order execution and precise exceptions Scalar Core dispatches FP instructions to FPU using an interface that splits instructions into 3 classes: Arithmetic instructions (ADD.S, SUB.S, MUL.S, DIV.S, ABS.S, NEG.S, C.cond.S, CVT.S.W, CVT.W.S, TRUNC.W.S, MOV.S, MOVZ.S, MOVN.S) From Coprocessor Data Transfer instructions (SWC1, MFC1, CFC1) To Coprocessor Data Transfer instructions (LWC1, MTC1, CTC1)

13 FPU Architecture

14 Multiplier Partitioning
64-bit multiplier built from 16-bit multiplier subblocks Subblocks combined with adders to perform larger multiplies Performs 2 simultaneous 32-bit multiplies by grouping 4 subblocks Performs 4 simultaneous 16-bit multiplies by using individual subblocks Unused blocks turned off to conserve power

15 FPU Current Status Current Functionality What remains to be done
Able to execute most instructions (all except C.cond.S, CFC1 and CTC1). Supports precise exception semantics. Functionality verification. Used a random test generator that generates/kills instructions at random and compares the results from the RTL Verilog simulator against the results from an ISA Perl simulator. What remains to be done Instructions that use the Control Registers (C.cond.S, CFC1 and CTC1). Exception generation. Integrate execution pipeline with the rest of the design. Synthesize, place and route. Final assembly and verification of multiplier Performance Sustainable Throughput: 1 instruction/cycle (assuming no data hazards) Instruction Latency: 6 cycles It has been substituted with a much simpler one that does integer addition instead, but allows to test the rest of the design.

16 UC-IBM Agreement Biggest IRAM Obstacle: Intellectual Property Agreement between University of California and IBM Can university accept free fab costs ($2.0M to $2.5M) in return for capped non-exclusive patent licensing fees for IBM if UC files for IRAM patents? Process started with IBM March 1999 IBM won’t give full process info until contract UC started negotiating seriously Jan 2000 Agreement June 1, 2000!

17 Other examples: IBM “Blue Gene”
1 PetaFLOPS in 2005 for $100M? Application: Protein Folding Blue Gene Chip 32 Multithreaded RISC processors + ??MB Embedded DRAM + high speed Network Interface on single 20 x 20 mm chip 1 GFLOPS / processor 2’ x 2’ Board = 64 chips (2K CPUs) Rack = 8 Boards (512 chips,16K CPUs) System = 64 Racks (512 boards,32K chips,1M CPUs) Total 1 million processors in just 2000 sq. ft.

18 Other examples: Sony Playstation 2
Emotion Engine: 6.2 GFLOPS, 75 million polygons per second (Microprocessor Report, 13:5) Superscalar MIPS core + vector coprocessor + graphics/DRAM Claim: “Toy Story” realism brought to games

19 Outline 1) Example microprocessor for PostPC gadgets
2) Motivation and the ISTORE project vision AME: Availability, Maintainability, Evolutionary growth ISTORE’s research principles Benchmarks for AME Conclusions and future work

20 Lampson: Systems Challenges
Systems that work Meeting their specs Always available Adapting to changing environment Evolving while they run Made from unreliable components Growing without practical limit Credible simulations or analysis Writing good specs Testing Performance Understanding when it doesn’t matter “Computer Systems Research -Past and Future” Keynote address, 17th SOSP, Dec. 1999 Butler Lampson Microsoft

21 Hennessy: What Should the “New World” Focus Be?
Availability Both appliance & service Maintainability Two functions: Enhancing availability by preventing failure Ease of SW and HW upgrades Scalability Especially of service Cost per device and per service transaction Performance Remains important, but its not SPECint “Back to the Future: Time to Return to Longstanding Problems in Computer Systems?” Keynote address, FCRC, May 1999 John Hennessy Stanford

22 The real scalability problems: AME
Availability systems should continue to meet quality of service goals despite hardware and software failures Maintainability systems should require only minimal ongoing human administration, regardless of scale or complexity Evolutionary Growth systems should evolve gracefully in terms of performance, maintainability, and availability as they are grown/upgraded/expanded These are problems at today’s scales, and will only get worse as systems grow

23 Principles for achieving AME (1)
No single points of failure Redundancy everywhere Performance robustness is more important than peak performance “performance robustness” implies that real-world performance is comparable to best-case performance Performance can be sacrificed for improvements in AME resources should be dedicated to AME compare: biological systems spend > 50% of resources on maintenance can make up performance by scaling system

24 Principles for achieving AME (2)
Introspection reactive techniques to detect and adapt to failures, workload variations, and system evolution proactive techniques to anticipate and avert problems before they happen

25 ISTORE-1 hardware platform
80-node x86-based cluster, 1.4TB storage cluster nodes are plug-and-play, intelligent, network-attached storage “bricks” a single field-replaceable unit to simplify maintenance each node is a full x86 PC w/256MB DRAM, 18GB disk more CPU than NAS; fewer disks/node than cluster Intelligent Disk “Brick” Portable PC CPU: Pentium II/266 + DRAM Redundant NICs (4 100 Mb/s links) Diagnostic Processor ISTORE Chassis 80 nodes, 8 per tray 2 levels of switches Mbit/s 2 1 Gbit/s Environment Monitoring: UPS, redundant PS, fans, heat and vibration sensors... Disk Half-height canister

26 ISTORE-1 Status 10 Nodes manufactured Boots OS
Diagnostic Processor Interface SW complete PCB backplane: not yet designed Finish 80 node system: Summer 2000

27 Hardware techniques Fully shared-nothing cluster organization
truly scalable architecture architecture that tolerates partial failure automatic hardware redundancy

28 Hardware techniques (2)
No Central Processor Unit: distribute processing with storage Serial lines, switches also growing with Moore’s Law; less need today to centralize vs. bus oriented systems Most storage servers limited by speed of CPUs; why does this make sense? Why not amortize sheet metal, power, cooling infrastructure for disk to add processor, memory, and network? If AME is important, must provide resources to be used to help AME: local processors responsible for health and maintenance of their storage

29 Hardware techniques (3)
Heavily instrumented hardware sensors for temp, vibration, humidity, power, intrusion helps detect environmental problems before they can affect system integrity Independent diagnostic processor on each node provides remote control of power, remote console access to the node, selection of node boot code collects, stores, processes environmental data for abnormalities non-volatile “flight recorder” functionality all diagnostic processors connected via independent diagnostic network

30 Hardware techniques (4)
On-demand network partitioning/isolation Internet applications must remain available despite failures of components, therefore can isolate a subset for preventative maintenance Allows testing, repair of online system Managed by diagnostic processor and network switches via diagnostic network

31 Hardware techniques (5)
Built-in fault injection capabilities Power control to individual node components Injectable glitches into I/O and memory busses Managed by diagnostic processor Used for proactive hardware introspection automated detection of flaky components controlled testing of error-recovery mechanisms Important for AME benchmarking (see next slide)

32 “Hardware” techniques (6)
Benchmarking One reason for 1000X processor performance was ability to measure (vs. debate) which is better e.g., Which most important to improve: clock rate, clocks per instruction, or instructions executed? Need AME benchmarks “what gets measured gets done” “benchmarks shape a field” “quantification brings rigor”

33 Availability benchmark methodology
Goal: quantify variation in QoS metrics as events occur that affect system availability Leverage existing performance benchmarks to generate fair workloads to measure & trace quality of service metrics Use fault injection to compromise system hardware faults (disk, memory, network, power) software faults (corrupt input, driver error returns) maintenance events (repairs, SW/HW upgrades) Examine single-fault and multi-fault workloads the availability analogues of performance micro- and macro-benchmarks

34 Benchmark Availability? Methodology for reporting results
Results are most accessible graphically plot change in QoS metrics over time compare to “normal” behavior? 99% confidence intervals calculated from no-fault runs

35 Example results: multiple-faults
Windows 2000/IIS Linux/ Apache Windows reconstructs ~3x faster than Linux Windows reconstruction noticeably affects application performance, while Linux reconstruction does not

36 Conclusions (1): ISTORE
Availability, Maintainability, and Evolutionary growth are key challenges for server systems more important even than performance ISTORE is investigating ways to bring AME to large-scale, storage-intensive servers via clusters of network-attached, computationally-enhanced storage nodes running distributed code via hardware and software introspection we are currently performing application studies to investigate and compare techniques Availability benchmarks a powerful tool? revealed undocumented design decisions affecting SW RAID availability on Linux and Windows 2000

37 Conclusions (2) IRAM attractive for two Post-PC applications because of low power, small size, high memory bandwidth Gadgets: Embedded/Mobile devices Infrastructure: Intelligent Storage and Networks PostPC infrastructure requires New Goals: Availability, Maintainability, Evolution New Principles: Introspection, Performance Robustness New Techniques: Isolation/fault insertion, Software scrubbing New Benchmarks: measure, compare AME metrics [Still just a vision:] the things I’ve been talking about have not yet been implemented.

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