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1 Note-taking
Write only one observation/fact/quotation/paraphrase per note. Be sure to organize your notes by source, fact, and page number. All of this information will be needed when you create your outline and on the Annotated Bibliography. Decide whether to use a direct quote, or to paraphrase the fact. You should have at least 7 notes per source. You may end up not using some of the research that you’ve found, so have more than you need! At the end of the research process you must have at least 35 notes to receive full credit. (That’s 7 per source, 5 total sources, you get the idea….)

2 Note-taking
Notes give you the flexibility to pick and choose which points to use, and to categorize that information with your group while organizing your presentation Use the following format when writing your notes… Notes Examples Source: Women: Images and Realities. Eds. Amy Kesselman, Lily D. McNair, and Nancy Schniedewind. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. This MUST be in CORRECT MLA format. You will copy/paste it into your annotated bibliography. Use or Diana Hacker’s MLA Resource to document your sources CORRECTLY!!!

3 Types of Notes Sample of a direct quote
“Even with certain occupations, women are clustered in the lower-paying jobs. In retail trades, for instance, women in 2000 constituted 78% of employees in gift and novelty shops but only 20% of those employed in higher-paying car dealerships“(189). Explanation: This statistic proves the theme that women are forced into menial jobs in our “old- fashioned” society. They are not encouraged to stretch themselves in jobs that require higher levels of thinking, thus proving the theme that a patriarchy breeds gender-stereotyping.

4 Types of Notes Sample of paraphrasing
70% of women are looking for jobs or have a job. The problem is that there are not enough jobs available that pay enough money to support a family (191). Explanation: Due to gender roles, women traditionally raise their children, instead of gaining work experience. In the case of a divorce, custody is typically granted to the mother. However, because of patriarchal society, women lack the work experience needed to get high paying jobs that can support a family.

5 Types of Notes Sample of summary
Most women cannot afford to retire at the same age as men, because of financial difficulties. These financial difficulties stem from a female’s traditional as homemaker and mother. Because of their obligation to fulfill that role, they are often lacking in work experience and education needed for high- paying jobs. *Each of the above examples constitute ONE complete note. **Remember: Keep your group’s thesis in mind and look for quotations & paraphrases that support your theme.

6 When to Quote, Paraphrase, and Summarize
Direct Quotation: when you need a passage in its original wording; transcribe the material exactly as it appears, word for word, comma for comma. Make sure to use quotation marks in your notes to distinguish the quotation from summary or paraphrase. Paraphrase: when you want detailed notes on specific sentences and passages, but do not need the exact wording, you are restating the information in your own words. Summary: Use a summary when a passage in a source is too long to be effectively quoted or paraphrased.

7 What to do…Today! Create a Theme Statement and Presentation Ideas
Discuss and create using the example in the Research Packet… A theme/thesis statement that your group will prove through your research This should be ONE sentence that is provocative and potentially controversial. Turn in your theme statement for approval. After approval, post your theme statement at the top of you research document Discuss and write down… Ideas for how to decorate classroom-5 possible ideas How to involve some kind of class participation-5 possible ideas Turn in at the end of the hour.

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