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ENZYMES! Enzymes.

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Presentation on theme: "ENZYMES! Enzymes."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENZYMES! Enzymes

2 What’s an Enzyme???? A Brief Introduction

3 What are they? Proteins that are necessary for most of the chemical reactions that take place in the body (ex. Respiration, digestion, etc.) Can also be called ORGANIC CATALYSTS Typically end in –ase (ex. Lipase, amylase, protease, lactase)

4 How do they work? Speed up the rate of the reaction by lowering the activation energy (the “hurdle” or energy required to get the reaction going!)

5 Enzyme Action Each enzyme has an active site where it temporarily bonds to the substrate…. Like a LOCK & KEY!

6 Diagram of Enzyme Action
Enzymes enter into a reaction temporarily and are not altered….can be used over and over again!

7 Factors Affecting Enzyme Action
Optimal pH…most are around 7…not all! What is the optimal pH for enzyme A? enzyme B?

8 Temperature Optimal temperature…. enzymes denature
at high temps – most human enzymes function best at temperatures close to 37o C What enzyme would function better at temp of 30o C?

9 More factors affecting enzyme…
Surface area Concentration of substrate Concentration of enzyme

10 Examples! How enzymes work

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