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Marriage Preparation Forms

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1 Marriage Preparation Forms
Orientation for Marriage Ministers in the Diocese of Trenton Welcome. This session is designed for folks who have no prior experience in working with the Prenuptial Investigation form. We will use the form itself as a base, matching the lines on the form to the supporting forms (A-1 through E-2) that may be needed in certain cases. (click for next slide)

(read from slide header) (click to show web address) This address will take you to the DOT web page with your resources. (Click for to show document links) Scroll down the page to find and click on these resources. (click to show forms links) Further down the page you’ll find links to the Forms you may need. Page also has resources for NFP, Convalidation, Marriage Formation Workshops (PowerPoint), and Marriage-based Homily Helps. (click for next slide)

These are the references you should have on hand, and get very familiar with. (click for PP&G document) This is the “bible”, our main source. We will refer to it as the “PP&G”. (click for the PP&G Spanish version) This is the “bible” in the Spanish language. (click for the Parish Guidelines) This document describes the marriage preparation process from the parish perspective. (click for next slide)

FOCCUS, Inc. USA These are handouts to give the engaged couples at the very beginning. (click for Check List) This shows the couple the entire timeline of what needs to be done and which documents are needed. (click for couples’ version of PP&G) This is the couples’ version of our “bible”. (click for Marriage Prep programs) This is information on Stage II options. (click for FOCCUS URL) This is not a handout, but a “heads-up”. Give them the URL so they can explore and get an idea of what to expect from the FOCCUS instrument. (click for next slide)

During Stage one, before the wedding date is set, before Stage Two (ideally one year before the ceremony). Requires date and Bride and Groom signatures. After Stage two, ideally NLT six months before the ceremony. Requires date and Bride and Groom and pastoral minister signatures, and parish seal. (Have participants pick up their copy of the PNI) Pick up your copy and follow along. This slide shows the header of each of the three parts of the PNI. We will describe the “best case scenario” timeline, stipulating that adjustments may be needed. (click for Part I) (read the text under the screenshot) (click for Part II) (click for Part III) (click for next slide) As soon as the documents are received (1-2); after Stage Two and NLT six weeks before ceremony (3-5); after the wedding (6-8). Part III, #5 requires PM signature, position, date and parish seal.

If residence after marriage is known, fill in address info in Part III, #8. PP&G page 18 suggests a “referral card” with sample. This screen shot is from the first page of the PNI, condensed for our purposes. The first line to discuss is “Current address”. (point to bracket) While your are completing the current address, you may want to fill in the residence after marriage. (read text at right of screen shot) (click for next slide)

If both are Catholic, move on. Review Section II Particular Ecclesial Situations in Marriage Preparation (PP&G pp 20-31). Review p. 30 to determine Permission/Dispensation needed. Prepare & submit Form D-1 Marriage Permission or Dispensation Form. Form D-1 requires parish seal. When granted, complete Section III #2 of PNI. The next line that could generate a form is the “religion” line. (read text to right of screen shot; have participants look at corresponding handouts) (click for next slide)

8 Permission from “sui juris” bishop
(See p. 22) Dispensation Permission This is a screen shot of page 20 in the PP&G. We strongly recommend that you read in detail: the section that matches the mixed marriage couple’s status. All of pages of the PP&G. We have noted in red whether permission or dispensation is needed for each case. We also recommend that you and the celebrant consult with the Tribunal staff before proceeding with a “Sui Juris” marriage. NOTE: Ignore the category between the arrows; unless you are Karl Rahner, they don’t exist. (click for next slide)

If both are 18 or over, move on. If under age 18, complete Form A-2 Parent’s Permission for the Marriage of a Minor. If under age 18, and parent does not give permission, complete Form D-1 Marriage Permission or Dispensation Petition Form. When permission is granted, complete Part III, #2. The next line is “age”. (read text to right of screen shot) (click for next slide)

If “none” box is checked, move on. Form A-3 Information Concerning Each and Every Prior Marriage. Note bold print at bottom of form. Check annulment decrees for conditions. For any prior marriage not annulled, refer to advocate. If civilly married, Form A-4 Convalidation. (Remarriage license required by NJ law.) Copies of all documents go in marriage file. The next line is “Number of Prior Marriages”. (read text to right of screen shot) Note: for PNI purposes, a civil marriage without convalidation is a prior marriage. (click for next slide)

If in assigned parish, check “by assignment box in Part III #3. If in another diocese, “Testimonial of Suitability”. If in any NYC borough, “Certificate of Marriage Officiant Registration”. If in another Diocese, file needs Visum review (e.g., couple prepared in DOT, married in Archdiocese of Philadelphia): Completed file is to be sent to DOT for review, DOT reviews and sends to AOP, AOP reviews and sends to parish of wedding for filing). The next line is “Proposed Church/Site of the Marriage”. (read text to right of screen shot) Suitability letter instructions available from OCCL. NYC process is available from OCCL. NOTE: Diocese of Brooklyn collects and processes paperwork and fees for weddings in the Diocese of Brooklyn. Visum request should include a cover letter to the Vicar of the Tribunal noting the parish of the preparation, the Diocese of the wedding, and the parish of the wedding ceremony with appropriate names and addresses. (click for next slide)

If not in Catholic Church, Form D-2 Dispensation From the Canonical Form of Marriage. (accompanied by Form D-1) If not in Catholic Church, Form D-3 Permission For a Priest or Deacon to Witness Marriage Outside of a Catholic Church. (accompanied by Form D-1) D-2 and D-3 require signature and parish seal. When Permission/Dispensation is granted, complete Part III #2. We strongly suggest that you read the entirety of pp before working with Catholic/non-Catholic couples. It discusses dispensation from canonical form, wherein the wedding may take place in a non-Catholic church before a non-Catholic minister. (read text to right of screen shot; have participants review appropriate handouts) (click for next slide)

For Form D-3, check “otherwise” box in Part III #3. For Form D-3, make sure the marriage is recorded in the parish specified. Read text to right of screen shot. (click for next slide)

If both are Roman, move on. Check baptism certificate against list of Churches sui juris (PP&G page 21). If Eastern Rite, see guidelines under “Discussion” in PP&G pp , and pp (no deacons need apply). Church sui juris dispensations, permissions, delegation, etc. (available for priests only) are obtained through DOT chancery to local sui juris ordinary. We recommend you consult with the tribunal staff when processing Sui Iuris marriages. Again, the PNI section is truncated for our use. Bride and groom questions are identical, so we only show the groom section. The line is the Father’s/Mother’s Rite. (Read text to right of screen shot) (In case anyone asks): Reason the question is asked: • The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches directs that marriages are to be celebrated before the pastor of the groom unless a just cause excuses. • Children born to parents enrolled in different Churches “sui iuris” are enrolled by virtue of baptism in the Church “sui iuris” of the father; or the Church “sui iuris” of the mother if only the mother is Catholic or if both parents by agreement freely request to have their children enrolled in the mother’s Church “sui iuris”. Notation of the agreement must be made in the parish baptism register. (click for next slide)

Obtain Baptism certificates issued w/in past 6 months by parish of Baptism. If no certificate, Form B-1, Affidavit Verifying that a Person has been Baptized. If not baptized, Form B-2, Affidavit Verifying that a Person has never been Baptized. If not baptized, Form D-1 Marriage Permission or Dispensation Form (Dispensation). When Dispensation received, record in Part III #2. Next line is question 1, “Were you baptized?”. (Read text to right of screen shot) (have participants review appropriate forms) (click for next slide)

If not Baptized Catholic, Form A-1 Affidavits Verifying Couple’s Freedom to Marry. N.B. - A Notation on Baptism certificate indicating marriage requires Death Certificate/Divorce Decree and Annulment Decree. Check Baptism certificate also for sui juris rite. (Read text to right of screen shot) (have participants review appropriate forms) (click for next slide)

If the answer is no, move on. Certain degrees of the following relationships are impediments to marriage: Consanguinity (blood) Affinity (in-law) Adoption (legal) Form D-1 Marriage Permission or Dispensation Petition Form. When filling in the tree on Form D-1, use the following chart (see next slide): The next lines are questions 2,3, and 4. (Read text to right of screen shot) (click for next slide)

Dispensations from Religious vows are reserved to the Apostolic See for pontifical right institutes, the local ordinary for diocesan right institutes. Rarely granted. (cc 1088) Dispensations from sacred orders are reserved to the Apostolic See. (cc 1087) If they do not have a dispensation, advise the couple to confer with the Tribunal staff, and expect to have a long wait. The next line is questions 5 and 6, regarding Holy Orders and vows. (read text to right of screen shot) (click for next slide)

19 After completing Part I of PNI (Initial Meeting)
Complete and discuss before starting Stage Two: “Marriage Catechesis and Formation” For reference in Stage II NLT six months before wedding Before completing Part II of PNI Place FOCCUS Completion Certificate in file We step away from the PNI form to discuss the FOCCUS instrument. “The Church encourages the use of premarital communication instruments…” (p. 11, PP&G). Several categories of Special Circumstances recommend or require FOCCUS (detailed in a later slide). Use addresses from Part I of PNI to set up FOCCUS session. Advise couple that they will receive notification and instructions on how to complete the FOCCUS session, and that you will notify them to set up meeting(s) to discuss the results when the report is ready. Review of FOCCUS may give rise to consideration of “Special Circumstances” (We will discuss this later on in this session). (Read text yellow background) (click for next slide)

20 May lead to discovery of information related to Special Circumstances
The next questions are in Part II of the PNI. These are more questions about readiness for marriage. At this meeting, ask for the Pre-Cana certificate and place it in the file. (have participants review Part II) Bride and Groom questions are the same. Follow dark blue instructions at top of page. Requires signature of PM and Bride/Groom, and imprint of Parish seal. May lead to discovery of information related to Special Circumstances (Especially questions 4, 5, 8, 10, & 12) Form E-1, Evaluation Referral Process for a Special Circumstance Marriage Requires parish seal on both signature lines

21 A “yes” answer to any of these questions requires a Form D-1.
Dispensation is from “marriage of persons with natural obligations to a third party or to children”. The next lines are questions 16 and 17 for the bride and groom. (read text with yellow background) (click for next slide)

22 These are more questions about readiness for marriage.
Certain answers to these questions (Especially questions 4, 5, 8, 10, & 12) may reveal impediments to this marriage that need to be dealt with pastorally, or through the Special Circumstances procedure. The asterisked answers are red flags. (review asterisked questions with participants) Other answers may indicate a need for further discussion and/or intervention through the Special Circumstances procedure. (click for next slide)

23 We want to introduce now the Special Circumstances Procedure.
Here is some background from PP&G (p.33): “Couples approaching the Church for marriage may find themselves in circumstances affecting the quality of their lives or even the validity of marriage. This section is intended for the use of the pastoral minister, assisting exploration of these circumstances with the couple. The 1983 Code of Canon Law states that “all persons not prohibited by law can contract marriage” (c.1058) and that “before marriage is celebrated, it must be evident that nothing stands in the way of its valid and licit celebration” (c.1066). It does nevertheless, empower the local ordinary to “prohibit marriage, but only for a time for a serious cause and as long as that cause exists” (c.1077).” (read text on slide) (click for next slide)

This is the index of Section III in PP&G, containing the “most common Special Circumstances categories”. I have noted the Special Circumstances that mention or require FOCCUS. (point out FOCCUS-related categories) (click for next slide) FOCCUS FOCCUS

25 For use when PM and pastor cannot resolve issue with couple.
Ask for consult through Associate Director for Marriage Ministries ( ). When consult recommends referral, or if PM feels referral is advisable, use Form E-1, Evaluation Referral Process for a Special Circumstance Marriage. Other forms that may be involved are: FOCCUS Pre-Marriage Facilitation Summary Form, and Form E-2, Episcopal Prohibition of the Celebration of Marriage. Now we’ll discuss the Special Circumstances Procedure. The screenshot on the slide is only the first paragraph. We strongly recommend that you read the entire document. (read text with yellow background) (have participants review FOCCUS PMF Summary Form, Form E-1, and Form E-2) (click for next slide)

26 Keep documents in the file.
Get info for Part III #1 from the couple and the documents they provided. Keep documents in the file. We go on to Part III. This is #1 of Part III. (read text to right of screenshot) (click for next slide)

27 #2. Enter information here from any D-1 forms.
If more than 2 Permissions/Dispensations, copy this part blank and add them. #3. If celebrant is assigned to the parish, check first box. Use second box for celebrant not assigned to parish. Can be delegated by pastor or any clergy assigned to parish. Use “Otherwise” box for e.g., Form 3 Delegation. These are #’s 2 and 3 of Part III. (read text to right of screenshot) (click for next slide)

28 #4. PM records observations. Requires parish seal on signature line.
#5. Obtain information from bride and groom. These are #’s 4 & 5 of Part III. (read text to right of screenshot) (click for next slide)

29 7. Completed by office staff(?)
6. License must be completed and signed by the two witnesses and the presiding clergy. Completed license must be mailed to originating office in envelope provided. 7. Completed by office staff(?) 8. Form C-1, Residence of Couple after Marriage. Form C-2, Letter to the Pastor of the Couple’s Parish of Future Residence. Form C-3, Notification to Churches of Baptism for each baptized person. These are #’s 6, 7, & 8 of Part III. (read text to right of screenshot) (click for next slide)

30 Marriage Preparation Forms
Orientation for Marriage Ministers in the Diocese of Trenton Thank you for your kind attention. I’ll now turn things back to Peg for whatever’s next. (THE END)

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