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Treasurer Report 4-21-18.

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Presentation on theme: "Treasurer Report 4-21-18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Treasurer Report

2 Agenda Bank Balances on hand Dues collected current and past due
Bills paid Bills to pay Legal expense summary

3 Cash on hand Operations- $53,287.08 Reserve Account $39,856.74
Total- $93,143.82 Decrease of $ Bond account 63,372.14

4 Redwood Credit Union adjustment
October 2017 erroneous deposit was made in amount $1,960 Cash Deposit was made in satellite branch of Credit Union day after the fire who forwarded to Mendocino Ave branch who incorrectly credited HOA vs proper account holder Correction made 4-16 to our account

5 Dues collected This period $11,939.20 Total to date $41,460.31

6 Past due to collect $28,123.57 show past 90 days
Of that, $9, appears not collectable on abandoned property 2 additional properties still being pursued in amounts of $6, and $4, that we are working on. John Gray has been in contact with one owner in attempt to work out payment. One owner owing $6, has not responded to any communications. This is the same property that past HOA president sent to the office manager in 2016 identifying himself as representative for new owner. Remaining $ is lots 1 year behind with some listed as questionable due to irregularities in billing procedures last year. ( we have already discovered some that had been listed as past due that had been paid)

7 Bills paid Kapalahike accounting $3,310 ( final review and meetings)
Office Depot $ ( packets, copies, ink, toner, envelopes) Fort Ross Lodge $ for Reserve study representative while completing study First quarter payroll taxes $3, ( filed early, due 4-30) Frontier office phone bill $199.35 Reimbursement to John Gray for copies 91.33 Total bills $8,396.20 Plus Office Manager Salary

8 Bills coming due Legal $1,420 ( included in legal summary not yet paid) State Workers comp fund $376 IRS $56.47 for amended form (1120H) Bill not yet received from O’Neil reserve Study ( approx. $1,200)

9 Summary of legal To clarify reports circulating on social Media complaints of $26,000 in legal expenditures since September based on information requested by a member The amount circulated is accurate, but misleading to attribute that the current board. The largest portion was actually incurred by our predecessors but we received the bills and paid them For example, of the $26,000, approximately $14,000 of that spend was the first 2 invoices paid by this board with the majority being from services requested and provided by prior board prior to election or new officers being seated. Trail advice from that period was nearly $4,600 from prior board. ( attempt to force trails over disputed property) The remaining $12,000 incurred by the current Board.

10 Legal continued The largest amount of nearly $7,000 was for investigation and management of an employee claim ( prior to new lawsuit) Other investigating and reporting of delinquent IRS and California tax filings and penalties Investigation of CPA irregularities findings Rectifying consequences of false application for insurance and cancelation Davis sterling advice and training for new board and membership. Further details are confidential, relate to attorney client privilege.

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