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Bryan Station High School 8th Grade Orientation

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1 Bryan Station High School 8th Grade Orientation
CLASS of 2018

2 Administrators Mrs. Tammy Hopkins 9th & 11th
Mr. Henderson Principal Mrs. Tammy Hopkins 9th & 11th Associate Principal Mr. John Barnes 10th & 12th Mr. Drew McCoy Administrative Dean

3 Counselors Lorie Daugherty 9th grade Ann Hurt Spanish Immersion
Brandy Jones 10th-12th Last names A-D Denise Lawless 10th-12th Last names E-K Yvette Thompson 10th-12th Last names L-R Dana Lawrence 10th-12th Last names S-Z Barb Stenzel Master Schedule

4 BSHS Guidelines for Success
Believe and Achieve Strive and Excel Have Honor and Integrity Serve and Contribute

5 Station PRIDE P- Positive Attitude R- Respect I- Integrity D- Defender
(Stay focused, Do your best, Accountability) R- Respect (Listen to adults, Use appropriate language, Treat others fairly) I- Integrity (Be on time, Be honest, Dress Appropriately) D- Defender (Be involved, Support peers, Show school spirit) E- Excellence (Demonstrate college/career ready, Contribute to community, Don’t give up)

6 Three Reasons to stay in school…
Today, college readiness also means career readiness. While not every high school graduate plans to attend college, the majority of the fastest-growing jobs that require a high school diploma, pay a salary above the poverty line for a family of four, and provide opportunities for career advancement require knowledge and skills comparable to those expected of the first-year college student Bryan Station High School January 2013

7 Bryan Station High School January 2013

8 College Readiness Benchmarks 470 or Higher (Critical Reading)
Subject / Assessment Explore 8th Grade PLAN 10th Grade ACT 11th Grade SAT 11th Grade COMPASS * 12th Grade KYOTE English 13 15 18 430 or Higher (Writing) 74 6 Reading 17 20 470 or Higher (Critical Reading) 85 Math 19 460 or Higher 36 22 Science 21 None *Student must be enrolled in a Reading / Math Transition course in 12th grade to be eligible to take the assessment


10 Graduation Requirements
4 credits of English 3 credits of Math (Plus 4th year of instruction) 3 credits of Science 3 credits of Social Studies 1 credit of Humanities ½ credit of Health ½ credit of PE 11 credits of Electives Pre-College Curriculum also requires completion of two years of a foreign language.

11 Credits Students can earn 8 per year 6 Credits = Sophomore 12 Credits = Junior 18 Credits = Senior 26 Credits = Diploma!

12 High School Grading 2 Semesters 2 Progress Reports
(Students can earn 4 credits per semester) Semester grades do NOT average for the year. Required courses that are failed MUST be repeated. 2 Progress Reports (Every 6 weeks; not mailed) 2nd Semester Grades are mailed home Parents have access to Infinite Campus

13 AP Classes Advanced Placement Courses, college level content and expectations Approved by College Board Must pass the test to earn College credit Two AP classes for Freshmen to consider Human Geography in 9th grade Advanced Biology students will take AP Environmental Science as Sophomores BSHS offers approximately 25 AP courses each year.

14 Career Pathways = College and Career Ready!
Goal: Help students explore an area of interest in order to plan for the future career opportunities Students should take a cluster of four electives that fit into the same pathway. Typically, those would be taken one or two per year. Each department has at least one pathway Career Pathways = College and Career Ready!

15 Intervention Classes Goal: Provide extra assistance to students who scored in the lower 25th percentile on their Reading or Math MAP. Students may be assigned to a Reading, Math, or Reading/Math intervention class

16 Design Team BSHS is considered an Innovative High School by Fayette Co Public School district. This means that we are looking for and developing new and innovative ways to do school at BSHS. Current project is the day schedule. If you would like to participate in this process, contact Stacey Middleton at

17 Business and Marketing
Goal: to help students develop skills and knowledge in personal finance, time management, and goal setting as applied to the business and marketing industry. Relates academic subjects to the real world and shows how reading and math can be applied in "real world" situations. Learn self-confidence, self-awareness, good work habits, problem solving, critical thinking, punctuality, reliability, teamwork, and leadership.

18 Business and Marketing
Courses available for freshmen: Business Principles & Applications, Computer Applications I, Principles of Marketing Pathways Accounting and Financial Services Administrative Support Services Business Management Sports Marketing

19 Family & Consumer Sciences
Goal: Prepare students for successful careers, build awareness and develop leadership skills through classroom instruction, laboratory experiences and work based learning experiences.

20 Family & Consumer Science
Course available for Freshmen Life Skills Pathways Child Development Foods and Culinary Arts Fashion and Interior Design Consumer Management

21 StationARTS & Fine Arts
Goal: Prepare students to excel in the field of music and visual art. Music – Dance  both instrumental and vocal Drama Technical Theatre Visual art – either Art or Drawing is pre-requisite for most other art classes

22 StationARTS & Fine Arts
Courses for freshmen Art, Drawing Beginning Guitar, Beginning Keyboarding SA Chorus and Theory, TB Chorus and Theory Orchestra or Band Drama, Ballet, Cultural Dance, Modern Dance Instrumental/Vocal StARTS freshmen Take Integrated Musicianship Visual StARTS freshmen Take Art 1 StARTS

23 Information Technology Academy
Goal: Provide students with the skills and knowledge to enter college or the workforce upon graduation while equipping them with the technology skills that will be invaluable regardless of their career path. Application available at

24 IT Academy Benefits Small learning community
4 year information technology-oriented sequence of courses Paid summer internship (junior year) Emphasis on employment skills Connection to the IT industry through business and community partnerships Opportunities for scholarships, job prospects and mentoring opportunities

25 Medical Sciences Academy
Goal: Achieve college and career readiness by exposing students to occupations within the healthcare industry. Principles of Health Science (9,10,11) Course available for Freshmen to take Medical Terminology/Emergency Procedures (10, 11) Medical Science (11, 12) (Vocational Center) Medicaid Nurses Aide (12)

26 Medical Sciences Academy
Additional Advantages First Aid Certification CPR Certification Dual credit with BCTC Certified Nursing Assistant: Industry Certification CNA needed for college programs Skilled waged for High School graduate

27 Engineering Academy Goal: To provide an environment where students develop critical thinking skills through a hands on project based learning, preparing them to take on real world challenges in the field of engineering. Aviation Construction Engineering

28 Engineering Academy Courses available for freshmen Pathways available
Foundations of Technology Fundamentals of Engineering Design Pathways available Advanced Manufacturing Aerospace and Aeronautics Engineering Engineering and Technology Design


30 JROTC Goal: To develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community. Values of citizenship Service to the United States Personal responsibility Leadership/Fellowship

31 JROTC Respect and obedience to authority Consequences of one’s actions
Traditions of the Air Force Basic Military Skills

32 JROTC Courses available for freshmen Pathway available
Aerospace Science 1 (JROTC 1) Pathway available Air Force JROTC

33 Bryan Station Athletic Department
Chad Luhman – Athletic Director Ryan Harrington – Assistant AD Scott Bugg – Title IX Coordinator David Jacobs – Athletic Trainer

34 Spring Fall Winter Sports Offered Baseball Cheerleading
Softball (Girls) Tennis Track & Field Fall Cheerleading Cross Country Football Golf Soccer Volleyball Winter Archery Basketball Bowling Cheerleading Swimming Wrestling

35 Athletic Participation Requirements
Academic Eligibility Must be on grade level at start of school Weekly grade checks Forms Physical (best during Dead Period) Address Verification Drug Testing Pamphlet District Forms Check individual sport web pages Fall sports begin on July 10th

36 Athletic Participation Requirements
Drug Testing Every student-athlete will be required to pay $25 at the beginning of each athletic season to be drug tested. Coaches should collect money and signed policy at same time.

37 Athletic Participation Requirements
Grade Checks Minimum Academic Requirement -On a weekly basis, a student shall be making continual progress during the school year in order to be eligible to participate in athletics during the subsequent week (Monday through Sunday period) and through the next opportunity to examine grades in this manner.


39 Clubs and Activities Academic Team HOSA Future Health Professionals
Student Technology Art Club Technology Association Beta Club Key Club DARE Role Models National Honor Society Tri-M Debate Team Y-Club Drama Club Newspaper Yearbook Future Business Leaders of America School Musicals Young Democrats Show Choir Young Republicans Future Educators of America Spanish Club Step Team Green Team Student Council Guitar Assemble

40 Tables Outside General Questions Medical Sciences/HOSA
Family & Consumer Science JROTC StationARTS Special Education/ Design Team Information Technology Athletics LSTEAM Various clubs and other activities JROTC cadets will be taking parents on tours of the building. Ask for a tour at the JROTC table.

41 Meet at outside JROTC table for an official tour of the school.
School Tours JROTC cadets will be taking parents on tours of the building. Meet at outside JROTC table for an official tour of the school.

42 GO Defenders………..Class of 2018
LYRICS TO THE SCHOOL FIGHT SONG: On Bryan Station, fight Defenders fight! Victory is in sight. By our strength, and courage, too, Win for GREEN and GOLD and BLUE! So on Bryan Station, fight Defenders fight, Guardians of our might. Watch our team go down the field (floor) and score! Let's fight, fight, fight, fight, FIGHT For Bryan Station High! D-E-F-E-N-D-E-R-S!

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