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Baroque Art History AWN 3m1.

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Presentation on theme: "Baroque Art History AWN 3m1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baroque Art History AWN 3m1

2 Baroque Period Characteristics of Baroque Art -chiarascuro = dramatic use of light and dark -sculptures have a lot of twisting movement -shows more emotion than Renaissance work

3 Supper at Emmaus Caravaggio 1600

4 *David Caravaggio 1600

5 Colonade, St. Peter’s, Rome Bernini

6 *David Bernini 1623

7 Cornaro Chapel Bernini

8 *Ecstasy of Saint Theresa
Bernini 1645*

9 *Las Meninas Velasquez 1656


11 *Venus Rubens

12 Deposition Rubens 1612

13 *Night Watch Rembrandt 1642

14 *Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp Rembrandt 1655

15 *Christ Healing the Sick Rembrandt c. 1643

16 The Three Crosses Rembrandt 1653

17 *Ceiling, San Ignazio Andrea Pozzo 1688

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