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Location India 2008 New Delhi, India February 6-8, 2008

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1 Location India 2008 New Delhi, India February 6-8, 2008
U.S. Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Program, Policy and International Cooperation Location India 2008 New Delhi, India February 6-8, 2008 Robert Ford, Senior Advisor Office of Space and Advanced Technology Bureau of Oceans, Environment and Science U.S. State Department

2 Introduction Like the Internet, GPS has become a critical component of the global information infrastructure Scalable applications enabling broad new capabilities Facilitating innovations in efficiency, safety, environmental, public security, and science Over the past decade, GPS has grown into a global utility providing space-based positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) Consistent, predictable, dependable policy and performance Augmentations improve performance even further

3 Overview Current GPS Program and Augmentations Modernization Plans National Space-Based PNT Policy International Cooperation Summary

4 Current Constellation
30 Operational Satellites (Baseline Constellation: 24) 13 Block IIA satellites operational 12 Block IIR satellites operational Modernizing 5 remaining Block IIR satellites 5 Block IIR-M satellites operational Transmitting new second civil signal (L2C) Continuously assessing constellation health to determine launch needs Global GPS civil service performance commitment met continuously since 1993

5 International Augmentations
Differential GPS Networks Space-Based Augmentation Systems International GNSS Service Global Differential GPS System

6 GPS constellation – Delivering excellent performance
Standard Performance Improving

7 GPS Modernization System-wide improvements in: Backward compatibility
Accuracy Availability Integrity Reliability Backward compatibility Robustness against interference Improved indoor, mobile, and urban use Interoperability with other GNSS constellations

8 GPS III Satellites & Civil Signals
Next-generation satellite needed to accommodate increasing power requirements Development approach to reduce risk, increase flexibility Separate contracts for space and ground segments Acquisition processes for control segment /satellite are underway OCX Request for Proposal Released; contract awarded on Nov 23 07 GPS IIIA Request for Proposal Released Civil benefits Provides operational capability for second (L2C) and third (L5) civil signals In combination with GPS IIR-M and IIF satellites Delivers L1C for interoperability with Galileo Significant increase in system accuracy Improved availability of accuracy with integrity

9 United States Policy History
1983: President Reagan offers free civilian access to GPS 1996: President Clinton issues first U.S. GPS policy Designates GPS a dual-use system under joint civil/military management 1997: Congress passes law requiring civil GPS to be provided free of direct user fees 2004: President Bush issues U.S. policy on space-based PNT

10 2004 U.S. Space-Based PNT Policy
Updated policy retains 1996 principles Recognizes the changing international scene Other nations implementing space-based systems that provide PNT services National Space-Based PNT Executive Committee Chaired by Deputy Secretaries of Defense and Transportation Membership includes: State, Commerce, Homeland Security, Interior, Joint Chief of Staffs, and NASA Established National Coordination Office (NCO) with staff from each member agency

11 National Space-Based PNT Organizational Structure
WHITE HOUSE WHITE HOUSE Defense Transportation State Commerce Homeland Security Interior Joint Chiefs of Staff NASA Defense Transportation NATIONAL SPACE-BASED PNT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Co-Chairs: Defense, Transportation NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR SPACE-BASED PNT Executive Steering Group Co-Chairs: Defense, Transportation State ADVISORY BOARD Sponsor: NASA ADVISORY BOARD Sponsor: NASA Commerce Homeland Security Joint Chiefs of Staff NATIONAL COORDINATION OFFICE Host: Commerce NATIONAL COORDINATION OFFICE Host: Commerce NASA

12 U.S. Department & Agency Activities
PNT Executive Committee meets regularly International Coordination and Cooperation – State Accelerating bilateral and multilateral activities Interference Detection and Mitigation Plan – DHS DOD and DOT PNT Architecture for 2025 DOD Selective Availability (SA) SA feature was used in the past to intentionally degrade civilian GPS service; implemented in 1995 but not used outside tests/exercises, discontinued in May 2000 GPS III satellites will NOT include SAT capability Decision announced at 36th ICAO Assembly Sep. 2007

13 National Coordination Office (NCO)
Facilitates information sharing, coordination, and issue resolution regarding space-based PNT across all Departments Facilitates coordination among Agencies re: plans to modernize U.S. space-based PNT infrastructure Conducts or oversees space-based PNT studies, analyses, and projects that have broad U.S. Government participation Represents Executive Committee in discussion with state and local entities, foreign governments, and international organizations

14 Advisory Board Conducts assessments & makes recommendations to the ExCom in support of national policy goals and objectives related to space-based PNT Focuses on leadership, strategic engagement and communication, and future challenges Twenty-four members; 6 international members; meets twice a year since March 2007

15 U.S. National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing Policy – Objectives
Provide civil GPS and augmentations free of direct user fees on a continuous, worldwide basis . Improve capabilities to prevent hostile use of space-based PNT services to protect the mutual security concerns of the U.S. and its allies. Improve performance of civil GPS and augmentations to meet or exceed that of international systems. Maintain GPS as a component of multiple sectors of U.S critical infrastructure. Encourage international development of PNT systems based on GPS - seek to ensure international systems are interoperable, or at a minimum, compatible with civil GPS and its augmentations.

16 Bilateral GPS Cooperation
U.S.-EU: GPS-Galileo Cooperation Agreement of 2004 Established four Work Groups July 2007 accord on improved civil signal (MBOC) U.S.-India: Expanded cooperation since 2004 under Next Steps in Strategic Partnership and new Joint Working Group on Civil Space Cooperation Joint Statement on GNSS Cooperation adopted at second Joint Working Group meeting, February 2007, text available at Several meetings held between U.S. and Indian experts on compatibility, interoperability and spectrum coordination, including technical meetings last week in Bangalore Research into ionospheric distortion/solutions

17 Bilateral GPS Cooperation (C0nt’d)
U.S.-Russia: Negotiating GPS-GLONASS Cooperation Agreement since 2005 Discussing greater interoperability of civil GPS-GLONASS signals Russia WG-1 chair prop0sed adopting two new civil CDMA signals at L1, L5, interoperable with GPS U.S.-Japan: Policy and technical consultations on GPS cooperation since 1996 - QZSS design to be compatible, interoperable with GPS - Working to establish QZSS monitoring stations in Hawaii/Guam

18 Other International Activities
U.S. held GPS bilateral consultations with Australia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, South Africa, and others Continuing interest in GPS-related issues that arise in multilateral organizations (ITU, ICAO, IMO, NATO, etc) Influenced APEC/GNSS Implementation Team to broaden GNSS applications in all modes of transportation and beyond International Committee on GNSS (ICG) will help us broaden the dialogue among users and developers

19 International Committee on GNSS (ICG)
Emerged from 3rd UN Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space July 1999 Promote the use of GNSS and its integration into infrastructures, particular in developing countries Encourage compatibility and interoperability among global and regional systems Unique mix of GNSS providers (US, EU, Russia, China Japan, India) and international user groups to address common issues, e.g. reference frame, orbital debris

20 ICG (Continued) Exchange Views on ICG Work Plan by Work Groups
A. Interoperability and compatibility B. Enhancement of Performance of GNSS Services C. Information dissemination, education, outreach & coordination D. Interaction with monitoring and reference station network orgs. First Providers Forum and ICG-2 held in India September 2007 Providers agreed on interoperability and compatibility terms including spectral separation between each system’s authorized service signals and other system’s signals China requested to be recognized as a GNSS Provider U.S. to host ICG-3 in Pasadena, Cal. December 8-12, 2008 As new space-based GNSS emerges globally, interoperability is the key to “success for all”

21 Summary GPS performance is getting better and continuing to improve
Augmentations enable high performance today Second new GPS signal now available No Selective Availability features in GPS III U.S. Space-Based PNT Policy continues to provide stability and transparency for users and industry Encourages/promotes worldwide use of civil GPS and augmentations U.S. Govt management structure for GPS and augmentations is stronger and more active Many policy implementation actions in progress International cooperation is a U.S. top priority

22 Contact Information Robert J. Ford Senior Advisor U.S. State Department OES/SAT, SA-23 Suite 410 Washington, D.C Ph: (202) Fax: (202)

23 Web-based Information established to disseminate information on the U.S. National Executive Committee Information on the U.S. National Policy, Exec Committee membership, the Advisory Board, and frequently asked questions Recent public presentations to include this presentation established to disseminate information on GPS applications Brochure on GPS applications also available in hardcopy upon request Contains additional links to various other websites

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