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¡Bomba! Reverse ~Bomba~.

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Presentation on theme: "¡Bomba! Reverse ~Bomba~."— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡Bomba! Reverse ~Bomba~

2 Bomba and Reverse ~ Bomba ~ created by: M. Roggio Version: 2007

3 A B C D E bomba 1 3 4 5 bomba bomba bomba bomba bomba bomba bomba
2 3 4 5 A bomba bomba bomba bomba bomba B bomba bomba bomba bomba bomba C bomba bomba bomba bomba bomba D bomba bomba bomba bomba bomba bomba E bomba bomba bomba bomba

4 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
luckily afortunadamente Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

5 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
constantly constantemente Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

6 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
frantically desesperadamente Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

7 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
unfortunately desafortunadamente Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

8 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
furiously furiosamente Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

9 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
immediately inmediatamente Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

10 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
slowly tranquilamente Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

11 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
recently recientemente Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

12 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
Typically típicamente Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

13 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
calmly tranquilamente Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

14 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
Too (much) demasiado Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

15 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
early temprano Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

16 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
worse peor Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

17 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
On time A tiempo Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

18 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
sometimes A veces Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

19 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
almost casi Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

20 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
(if) then entonces Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

21 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
Ella tiene ______ tarea. ( a lot of) mucha Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

22 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
Mi perra es muy _______. (Bad) (She misbehaves and deserves to be punished; She is a bad dog.) Mala (adjective) Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

23 ¡Salvaron la isla! ¡Gracias! Articles - $500 Bomba Click HERE….
Volver Atrás

24 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
Desesperadamente = ? frantically Click here if CORRECT (keep searching) Click here if Wrong

25 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
Afortunadamente = ? Luckily/fortunately Click here if CORRECT (keep searching) Click here if Wrong

26 You found the time extension! Congratulations!
Conjugation - $300 30 second bonus Collect 30 extra seconds

27 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
Tranquilamente = ? calmly Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

28 Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question:
Lentamente = ? slowly Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)

29 Bomba Lives Left x Scoreboard x x x Click on map Background first,
Then click here

30 Thanks for playing. Please play again.

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