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Writing Groups Assignment 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Groups Assignment 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Groups Assignment 5

2 Reminders We are still working on our original grammar goals. These are long term goals for the entire semester.

3 Reminders By the end of this semester these problems should not exist. or, the problems should be much less significant than before.

4 Reminders Keep working. Work steadily.

5 New Goals You may decide to make some new goals. That is okay. Do not stop working on the old goals.

6 Reminders At the end of this semester, you receive this question: Did you accomplish your original grammar goals?

7 Reminders What will your answer be?

8 Reminders Keep working. Work steadily.

9 Assignment 5 You have a 3 day weekend. This will make it difficult for many groups to work in pairs.

10 Assignment 5 So, you will work alone.

11 Assignment 5 You will make 2 videos.

12 Assignment 5 The first video is a second animation. The second video is a normal video talking about the week’s progress. You will also discuss the animation.

13 Part 1: The animation In the first video, you create a second animation. You can create a stop motion animation, or you can animate with pictures.

14 Part 1: The animation Stop motion: You take a picture of an object.
You move the object. You take another picture. When you edit the pictures together, the object appears to move.

15 Part 1: The animation Regular animation: You draw pictures.
You edit them together. When you edit the pictures together, the object appears to move.

16 Part 1: The animation You will choose stop motion animation or regular animation. You will create your video. You will record your voice-over. Your voice will narrate the animation.

17 Part 1: The animation There are many cell phone apps to help you do this. Select one that you like.

18 Part 1: The animation Possible topics for the animation include:
Demonstrate the grammar point. Example for past tense: Tell a story using the past tense. Explain the grammar point The video explains the grammar, as if you are the teacher. Other

19 Part 1: The animation Make sure the topic relates to the grammar goal.

20 Part 1: The animation Don’t forget the voice-over.

21 Part 1: The animation Don’t forget to post the video to your Youku channel, or the normal location.

22 Assignment 5 The first video is a second animation. The second video is a normal video talking about the week’s progress. You will also discuss the animation.

23 Assignment 5 For the second video, the time is 1-2 minutes.

24 Assignment 5 This is the standard video where you report your progress on your goals. You may also discuss your animation.

25 Assignment 5 For the second video, you can work with a partner.

26 Assignment 5 You will also receive a worksheet. Complete the pre-conversation part of the worksheet before your second video.

27 Assignment 5 In summary, you will make 2 videos. The first video is a second animation. The second video is a normal video talking about the week’s progress. You will also discuss the animation.

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