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Welcome to a new school year

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to a new school year"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to a new school year

2 Some things to remember!
Mr. J.'s Classroom... Some things to remember!

3 Be ready to start with a writing implement…
A pen or pencil is fine!

4 Place all of your work in the appropriate location on the teacher’s desk!…

5 Remember to include the following on all assignments:
1. Your Name

6 Remember to include the following on all assignments:
2. The date

7 Make sure your name and the date are on anything & everything you turn in…

8 Your grade is calculated on total points from the following:
Assignments Notes Quizzes Tests Projects Other…

9 Sit on the chairs, not on the desks!
Keep the chair legs on the floor!

10 Respect the property of others no matter where you are in the building
Respect the property of others no matter where you are in the building. Treat all property as if it was your own.

11 Watch your language. The use of vulgar, profane, inappropriate or degrading language is not acceptable language in the classroom.

12 Clean up after yourself!
Leave your place in the same condition that it was in when you sat down.

13 NO HATS in Hallways

14 Place your folder in the appropriate bin in the room.

15 Remain in your seat until class is dismissed…

16 If a substitute is taking the class, the same respect that I expect from students is the same respect that should be given to a substitute. Whenever a substitute is present, the assignment for the class is worth a significant amount of points for the day. LESSON PLANS

17 Work Study and Community Service packets are available. See Mrs. Azar.

18 GOALS Excellent Attendance Maturity

PERSONAL BEST Lifelong Goals

20 Helping others on assignments is GREAT, but copying or giving answers to others is unacceptable.

21 Let’s enjoy our year together.

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