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10 Lesson Intervention 10.AM Lesson 2

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1 10 Lesson Intervention 10.AM Lesson 2
© Andrew P. Johnson, Ph.D.

2 AM LESSON 2 1. Language Experience 2. Word wall riddle review 3
AM LESSON 2 1. Language Experience 2. Word wall riddle review 3. Word parsicle 4. Maze mini-story 5. Fluency work 6. Sentence dictation

3 2. Word wall riddle review

4 Word Wall Riddle Review

5 cramped champion damp family pajamas jammed amble amplify camera famished mammal flammable
Make bigger or louder amplify

6 cramped champion damp family pajamas jammed amble amplify camera famished mammal flammable
The best champion

7 cramped champion damp family pajamas jammed amble amplify camera famished mammal flammable
A slow walk amble

8 cramped champion damp family pajamas jammed amble amplify camera famished mammal flammable
Shoved in there jammed

9 cramped champion damp family pajamas jammed amble amplify camera famished mammal flammable
Catch fire flammable

10 3. Word parsicle

11 Word Parsicle Guess the Word

12 m_ _ _ _l m_mm _l mamm _l mammal fl_mm_ _ _ _ fl_mm_ _l_ flamm_ _l_ flamm_ bl_ flammable

13 c_ m_ _ _ cam_ _ _ cam_r_ camer_ camera fa_ _sh _ _ fam_sh _ _ fam_sh _d famished

14 paj_ _ _ _ paj_m_ _ paj_m_s pajamas j_ mm_ _ j_ mm_d jamm_d jammed

15 am_ _ _ amb_ _ ambl_ amble am_ _ _ _ y am_ _ _ fy amp_ _ fy ampl _ fy amplify

16 d_ _ p d_mp damp pr_ _ _ _ m pr_g _ _ m pr_gr_ m progr_ m program

17 c_ m _ _ _ _ c_ mp_ _ _ c_ mp_ng camp_ng camping f_ m_ _ _ fam_ _ _ fam_ _y fam_ly family

18 cr_m_ _ _ cram_ _ _ cramp _ _ cramp _d cramped ch_m_ _ _ _ ch_mp_ _ _ ch_mp_ _n champ_ _n champion

19 sh_m_ _ _ sh_mp_ _ shamp_ _ shampoo st_ _ _ st_m_ st_mp stamp

20 4. Maze mini-story

21 Level II Maze Mini-Story Mickey the Pug

22 Mickey is a dog. [In – Up - He’s] a pug. He’s a pug
Mickey is a dog. [In – Up - He’s] a pug. He’s a pug. Pugs [like – run – my] to eat. Pugs like to eat.

23 If you [don’t – cat - aren’t] careful, they can get overweight
If you [don’t – cat - aren’t] careful, they can get overweight. If you aren’t careful, they can get overweight. You must watch what you [feed – run – up] them. You must watch what you feed them.

24 You have to [give – take – nice] them on walks every day
You have to [give – take – nice] them on walks every day. You have to take them on walks every day. That way they’ll stay healthy.

25 Mickey is a dog. He’s a pug. Pugs like to eat
Mickey is a dog. He’s a pug. Pugs like to eat. If you aren’t careful, they can get overweight. You must watch what you feed them. You have to take them on walks every day. That way they’ll stay healthy.

26 5. Fluency work 6. Sentence dictation

27 6. Word works/writing: Sentence dictation
6. Word works/writing: Sentence dictation. The teacher (or study-buddy) reads the following sentences to the student. The student writes the sentence. After each sentence, the student looks for words that do not look right. The teacher crosses out the word and writes the correct spelling on the bottom. The student writes the correct spelling on top of the word. After each, skip a line and go to the next sentence.

28 Sentence Dictation 1. Let’s go camping. 2. Stamp your feet. 3
Sentence Dictation 1. Let’s go camping. 2. Stamp your feet. 3. It’s cramped in here.

29 End

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