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Metric Conversions Ritz.

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Presentation on theme: "Metric Conversions Ritz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metric Conversions Ritz

2 Conversion Chart Factor/Meanings 1012 12 109 9 106 6 103 3 102 2 101 1
Prefix Tera Giga Mega kilo hecto deca NO PREFIX deci centi milli micro nano pico Symbol T G M k h da (m, g, L, B, J, s) d c m u n p

3 Metric Conversion Steps:
1.) What are the meanings? 12, 9, 6, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -6, -9, ) Bring down both numbers; change the sign of the number on the right. 3.) combine the two meanings 4.) That is the exponent to the new number…

4 Example 1: 80 mg = _____ hg 1.) What are the meanings? ) Bring both numbers down and change the sign of the second number… ) Combine the two numbers ) Answer: 80 mg = 80 x 10-5 hg

5 Example 2: TL = _____uL 1.) Meanings: ) Bring down 12 6 & change sign 3.) Combine 18 4.) Answer: 0.75 TL = 0.75 x 1018 uL

6 You try: pB = _____ daB 1.) Meanings ) Bring down & change sign ) Combine ) Answer: 487 pB = 487 x daB

7 Metric Conversion with Scientific Notation
****Same steps as before, just add one Meanings Bring down and change sign of second number Combine Bring down exponent and combine Answer

8 Example 1: 4 x 102 km = ____ nm 1.) Meanings: ) Bring down & change the sign ) Combine 12 4.) Bring down exponent and combine = 14 5.) Answer: 4 x 102 km = 4 x 1014 nm

9 You try: 7.8 x 10-5 cs = ______ Gs
1.) Meanings: ) Bring down & change sign ) Combine ) Bring down the exponent & combine = ) Answer: 7.8 x 10-5 cs = 7.8 x Gs

10 Practice Problems: 1.) 5 cg = _____ Mg 2.) 99 ms = _______ps 3.) 0.26 GL = ______ nL 4.) 8.9 x 103 hm = ______ dm 5.) 5 x 10-6 B = _______GB 6.) x 1012 uJ = _______daJ

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