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RNAV and RNP Strategy in Japan

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1 RNAV and RNP Strategy in Japan
ICAO Worldwide Symposium on Performance of the Air Navigation System Montreal, March 2007 Yoshiki Imawaka Director for International Policy Coordination ATS Systems Planning Division Civil Aviation Bureau, Japan

2 Current RNAV Procedures in Japan
Implemented 50NM lateral and longitudinal separation minima (based on RNP10) over NOPAC and CENPAC since 1998 and 2006, respectively Established three RNAV routes in 1992 Implemented 60 RNAV routes as of March 2007 Oceanic Airspace En Route Established FMS arrival route in Tokyo (Haneda) in 1999 Expanded to five other airports since 2004 Established RNAV (GNSS) approaches with Baro-VNAV at selected airports Terminal Area Approaches

3 Background Growing traffic demands Fuel savings and reduce noise
JCAB has predicted that air traffic in Japan will increase by 34 percent from 2005 to 2017 New runways at airports in Asia Fuel savings and reduce noise Reduce fuel, reduce emissions and reduce noise High performance aircraft Increased number of aircraft equipped with multifunctional FMS and GPS

4 Capacity and Efficiency
Restructuring of ATS routes and airspace Flexible use of airspace RNAV Reduction of separation minima Procedures In order to accommodate growing traffic and increase efficiency, new capabilities should be introduced. New capabilities will employ a combination of procedures and systems, such as a restructuring of ATS routes/airspace, and ATC support tools, which would increase controller capability and reduce workload. New ATC workstations with controller support tools Data link (ADS/CPDLC) GNSS Systems 52

5 JCAB Initiatives Developed “RNAV Roadmap for Japan” in April 2005. Decided on an evolutionary implementation of RNAV procedures in Japan, and to continue working collaboratively with the operators on the implementation. Established RNAV Implementation Team in October 2005 for implementing RNAV according to the RNAV Roadmap. JCAB established a Steering Committee and Work Group in 2004 Composed of JCAB, operators, and aviation industry representatives The purpose was to review the current RNAV procedures, and develop an RNAV implementation plan for Japan

6 International Harmonization
JCAB Study 4. Reviewed procedures currently available and identified procedures to be developed Certification, Operational Approvals, Design Criteria, ATC Procedures, and Flight Inspection 2. Studied current and forecasted aircraft equipage 3. Studied airspace and infrastructure 1. Reviewed current operations (en route and terminal) International Harmonization

7 RNAV Routes in Japan Radar Coverage (above 15,000 ft MSL)

8 RNAV Systems & Equipage
 GNSS (GPS, SBAS)  DME/DME (two DME)  VOR/DME (single VOR/DME)  Self-contained navigation system (IRU, INS)  Combination of above GPS+DME/DME+IRU DME/DME+IRU GPS (without IRU) Non-RNAV capability B-747 classic Surveyed commercial passenger/cargo aircraft registered in Japan

9 Surveyed commercial passenger/cargo aircraft registered in Japan
Know our aircraft Surveyed commercial passenger/cargo aircraft registered in Japan * Capable as determined by equipment only. Crew training is not considered

10 RNAV Total System Error
Know our airspace - 1 DME/DME, VOR/DME RNAV Total System Error 5NM 12,000 MSL 29,000 MSL DME/DME 2NM

11 RNAV Total System Error
Know our airspace - 2 12,000 MSL 2,000 MSL 8,000 MSL DME/DME RNAV Total System Error 1NM

12 RNAV Roadmap Major issues considered Implementation Phase
International Harmonization Increase capacity; Tokyo 4th Runway and Kansai 2nd Runway Implementation Phase : Introduction of internationally harmonized procedures : Increase capacity and efficient operations , beyond : Future direction

13 Reduce ATC complexity, Increase capacity, Improve efficiency
RNAV Roadmap - 1 Implement RNAV5 routes as an interim step for radar airspace Operationally segregate between RNAV flights and VOR flights Implement RNP2 routes, and expand RNP2 routes to non-radar airspace Expect to mandate RNP2 above FL290 Reduce ATC complexity, Increase capacity, Improve efficiency En Route

14 RNAV Roadmap - 2 Terminal Implement RNAV1 SID/STARs for radar airports
Airspace restructure at major airports Implement RNP1 SID/STARs for non-radar airports Expect to mandate RNP1 in mid-high density airports Terminal By 2009 RNAV will be available at major city pairs in Japan from departure to arrival. By 2012 RNAV will be available at most of the airports in Japan.

15 RNAV Roadmap - 3 Approaches
Evolutionary implementation of RNAV (GNSS) approaches with Baro-VNAV Implement RNP AR approaches at airports, where beneficial Approaches RNP AR approaches will increase runway access Increase runway access, Increase safety, Reduce noise

16 Japan Roadmap for RNP

17 Thank you for your attention

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