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Chapter 5 Study Guide The Gold Rush Years Name: _____________________

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1 Chapter 5 Study Guide The Gold Rush Years Name: _____________________
Homeroom: _____________ Test Date: __________________

2 official B military C headquarters A slavery E armed forces D
A. the offices of a commander or 
leader official B B. a person in a position of authority military C C. a nation's army, navy, and other headquarters A armed forces D. group organized to protect a slavery E country with weapons armed forces D E. the practice of buying and selling people and forcing them to work without pay

3 treaty C territory D forty-niner B gold rush E isthmus A
A. a narrow strip of land between two bodies of water that joins two larger areas of land treaty C B. a person who took part in the California Gold Rush territory D C. a formal agreement between two or more countries defining the terms of peace or trade forty-niner B D. a country's land gold rush E E. a sudden move of people into a place where gold has been discovered isthmus A

4 technology B hydraulic mining C discrimination A
unequal treatment of people because they are members a certain group technology B B. the use of tools and scientific knowledge to produce goods and services hydraulic mining C discrimination A C. a method of mining that uses water from hoses to wash away hillsides to uncover gold

5 Lesson One: Bear Flag Revolt
Mexico 1. Spain lost control of California to ________________________. 2. Only ___________________________ were allowed to own land in California in 1840’s. 3. The United States started to want ___________________ of California. 4. What is Manifest Destiny? _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________ was the President of the U.S during this time. Mexican citizens control The idea that the U.S. should stretch across North America, from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean. James K. Polk

6 wanted to end Mexican rule in California.
6. Did the U.S. President agree with Manifest Destiny? ________________________________________________________ 7. __________________ from the U.S. __________________ against Mexican California. 8. Who were the Bears? _____________________________________ 9. What was the importance of the town of Sonoma? ________________ Yes, he said the U.S. had a right to California's land. It's ports would increase trade and protect the country. Settlers rebelled They were a group of settlers who wanted to end Mexican rule in California. Sonoma was headquarters of part of the Mexican army in N. California

7 10. What happened at Sonoma during the Bear Flag Revolt?
________________________________________________________ The Bears took control of the Mexican army headquarters at Sonoma. They declared a new country, the Republic of California, and raised a new flag to stand for it. End of Lesson One!

8 Some feared that any land the U.S. won would
Lesson Two: The Mexican-American War Disagreements U.S. 1. ______________________ about borders between the ___________ and __________________ led to war. 2. What role did slavery play in the Mexican-American war? ________________________________________________________ 3. What was the significance of the Treaty of Cahuenga? 4. How did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo change the United States? Mexico Some feared that any land the U.S. won would be opened up to slavery. Peace treaty between the U.S. forces and Californios. It brought the border of the U.S. to the Pacific Ocean It made the people who lived there U.S. citizens

9 The Treaty of Cahuenga ended fighting
5. Why did fighting in California stop before the Mexican-American War ended? 
__ The Treaty of Cahuenga ended fighting in California, but war continued in other places. 6. Why was the Mexican-American War so important? ________________________________________________________ The war made California a part of the United States. The war also gave the U.S. most of land it has today. Review map on text book pg. 168 End of Lesson Two!

10 Lesson Three: The Gold Rush
1848 1. The discovery of ____________ in ____________ led to the _______________ ________________. 2. Gold was first discovered at _______________________ by ____________________ and workers. 3. The first two major ways people found out about the Gold Rush were?  ______________________________________________   ______________________________________________ 4. Forty-Niners took ____________ main ________________ to CA. Gold Rush Sutter's Mill James Marshall Newspapers printing articles President Polk's speech three routes

11 The Gold Rush changed California by bringing many
isthmus 5. The fastest route crossed the __________________ of _________________. 6. Sailors spread news of the Gold rush to other ___________________. 7. Between 1848 and ____________________ people came to California. 8. About _______________ or ¼ of the people were _______________. 9. Gold Rush immigrants added to California’s ______________________. 10. Why is the Gold Rush such an influential period in our history? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________. Panama countries 300,000 75,000 immigrants diversity The Gold Rush changed California by bringing many people from many places into the state very quickly.

12 Lesson Four: Life in the Goldfields
technology 1. Miners used ________________________ to get gold. 2. Miners used __________________, pouring water down the long __________________ helped to separate out the ________________. Three main tools miners used were:   _____________________________ long toms troughs gold pans rockers long toms 4. Within a few years most of the gold was gone. So miners started to explore _________________________________. hydraulic mining

13 It was one of the few places in the world where
5. What was so special about the area around the Sierra Nevada Mountains? ________________________________________________________ It was one of the few places in the world where gold was found in large amounts 6. Challenges miners faced in mining camps:   ____________________________________________ 7. There were ________________ and ______________________ in the mining camps. 8. Each year the daily income of a miner _______________________. fires lack of food exhaustion lived in tents violence diversity discrimination decreased

14 lives of the miners and how no ones future was secure.
9. The two primary sources people used to learn about the lives of the forty-niners were:   ________________________________ 10. Explain this quote from Louise Clapp: How does it describe life in the gold fields?  “ A man may work…for many months, and be poorer…than when he (began); or he may take out 
thousands in a few hours….” ________________________________________________________ letters newspapers This quote shows what a gamble the Gold Rush was. A person had no way of knowing if they would be- come rich or poor. The quote describes the desperate lives of the miners and how no ones future was secure. You have reached the end!!! Great Job!! Study hard!

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