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Effects of exercise training and detraining on oxidized low-density lipoprotein- potentiated platelet function in men 1  Jong-Shyan Wang, PhD, Shu-Er Chow,

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Presentation on theme: "Effects of exercise training and detraining on oxidized low-density lipoprotein- potentiated platelet function in men 1  Jong-Shyan Wang, PhD, Shu-Er Chow,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of exercise training and detraining on oxidized low-density lipoprotein- potentiated platelet function in men 1  Jong-Shyan Wang, PhD, Shu-Er Chow, PhD  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  Volume 85, Issue 9, Pages (September 2004) DOI: /j.apmr

2 Fig 1 The effects of exercise training and detraining on cardiopulmonary function. Abbreviations: DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HR, heart rate; SBP, systolic blood pressure. ∗P<.05 compared with pretraining data, analyzed by 1-factor repeated-measures ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple range test. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  , DOI: ( /j.apmr )

3 Fig 2 The effects of exercise training and detraining on blood cell counts. Abbreviations: E, immediately after exercise; Hb, hemoglobin; Hct, hematocrit; Plt, platelet; R, at rest. ∗P<.05 resting versus postexercise, analyzed by 1-factor repeated-measures ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple range test; +P<.05 compared with pretraining data. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  , DOI: ( /j.apmr )

4 Fig 3 The effects of exercise training and detraining on (A-C) plasma lipid profile and (D) Ox-LDL levels. ∗P<.05 resting versus postexercise, analyzed by 2-factor repeated-measures ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple range test; +P<.05 compared with pretraining data. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  , DOI: ( /j.apmr )

5 Fig 4 The effects of exercise training and detraining on ADP-induced platelet aggregability, indicated by (A) an [ADP]ED30 value and (B) unstimulated platelet [Ca2+]i level and ADP-induced platelet [Ca2+]i level. Abbreviations: ADP E, ADP-induced platelet [Ca2+]i level immediately after strenuous, acute exercise; ADP R, ADP-induced platelet [Ca2+]i level at rest; Basal E, unstimulated platelet [Ca2+]i level immediately after strenuous, acute exercise; Basal R, unstimulated platelet [Ca2+]i level at rest. ∗P<.05 resting versus postexercise, analyzed by 2-factor repeated-measures ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple range test; +P<.05 compared with pretraining data. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  , DOI: ( /j.apmr )

6 Fig 5 The effects of exercise training and detraining on Ox-LDL-potentiated platelet aggregation. (A-C) Results are expressed as a percentage of ADP (dosage of [ADP]ED30) plus Ox-LDL (ie, 25, 50, 100μg/mL)-induced platelet aggregation to ADP (dosage of [ADP]ED30)-induced platelet aggregation. (D) In some experiments, platelets were preincubated with 1mM of L-agrinine for 2 minutes before adding Ox-LDL (100μg/mL) and ADP (dosage of [ADP]ED30). ∗P<.05 resting versus postexercise, analyzed by 2-factor repeated-measures ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple range test; +P<.05 compared with pretraining data. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  , DOI: ( /j.apmr )

7 Fig 6 The effects of exercise training and detraining on Ox-LDL-potentiated platelet [Ca2+]i elevation. (A-C) Results are expressed as a percentage of ADP (2μmol/L) plus Ox-LDL (ie, 25, 50, 100μg/mL)-induced platelet [Ca2+]i to ADP (2μmol/L)-induced platelet [Ca2+]i. (D) In some experiments, platelets were preincubated with 1mmol/L of L-agrinine for 2 minutes before adding 100μg/mL of Ox-LDL and 2μmol/L of ADP. ∗P<.05 resting versus postexercise, analyzed by 2-factor repeated-measures ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple range test; +P<.05 compared with pretraining data. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  , DOI: ( /j.apmr )

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