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Monotheistic Religion Holy Book: Quran Place of Worship: Mosque

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1 Monotheistic Religion Holy Book: Quran Place of Worship: Mosque
Islam Monotheistic Religion Holy Book: Quran Place of Worship: Mosque

2 Islam Began in Mecca Mecca was a trading center located along the Red Sea coast The Ka’aba, which held several different hundred idols, stood in the center of town Meccans believed the building was built by Abraham and his son, Ishmael, to honor God for saving them from dying in the desert. Founder: Muhammad Muhammad was orphaned at an early age, but became a respected member of the community At age 40, he heard the voice of the angel, Gabriel, calling on him to tell the word of God to the people. Muhammad began spreading word that the people of Mecca needed to rededicate themselves to the worship of one God, Allah. Those who were willing to agree to this belief were known as Muslims, or “ones who submit.” Many in Mecca worried his teaching would hurt their trade by angering those who worshipped other gods and Muslims began to face threats and violence

3 Islam To escape the threats, Muhammad and his followers moved 200 miles north to Yathrib a city Muhammad renamed Medina, which means “city of the prophet.” This move became know as the “Hijrah” and the date serves as the first year of the Islamic calendar. Muhammad eventually returned to Mecca and one of his first acts was to remove all of the idols in the Ka’aba. He then dedicated the building to Allah and it became central to Muslim worship. After Muhammad’s death, his followers collected his teaching from the angel Gabriel into the Quran. Much of the Old and New Testament are also included in the Quran.

4 Five Pillars of Islam Muslims believe they must meet five basic obligations, known as the Five Pillars. Believe that there is only one God, Allah and Muhammad is his prophet Must pray five times a day facing Mecca Charity to the poor Fasting during daylight hours during the month of Ramadan Make a pilgrimage to Mecca sometime during one’s lifetime.

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