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Age of Jackson.

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1 Age of Jackson

2 President Monroe Establish tariffs Rechartering the national bank
Sponsor developing transportation “American System” –Henry Clay

3 Missouri Compromise Missouri want to be state
Disagreement over free or slave state Missouri slave state Maine Free state

4 Election of 1824 John Quincy Adams vs Jackson Adams Wins
National Republican party and Democratic party

5 Jackson Elected In 1828 Jackson is elected president
Common persons champion “Old Hickory”

6 Jacksonian Democracy Spoils System All classes involved
Big Block of Cheese

7 Indian Removal Act Provisioned funds to negotiate with Indians
Move them west Worcester v. Georgia “John Marshal has made his decision, now let him enforce it” -Jackson

8 Cherokee Developed Alphabet, newspaper Adopted western way
Owned slaves even

9 Trail of Tears U.S. Troops drove Cherokee into camps 800 mile Journey
Sent in groups of 1000 More than a quarter of all Cherokee died


11 Nullification Tariffs increased John C. Calhoun vice pres.
Britain bought less cotton

12 Nullification (states can nullify laws if seen as unconstitutional) –Calhoun Debate in senate over nullification Force Bill Compromise forged by Clay

13 Jackson’s Bank War Tried to get rid of National Bank
Withdrawal of government deposits “Pet Banks” King Jackson? Opposition became The Whig Party

14 President Van Buren Wildcard Banks Printed make notes in excess
The panic of 1837 1/3 of pop. Out of work

15 President Harrison William Henry Harrison “Tippecanoe”
Died after 1 month in office Longest inauguration address

16 President Tyler John Tyler a former Democrat Halted Whig reforms
Parties appeal to passion rather than reason New bread of politician

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