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The TF system for Marking Your Texts

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1 The TF system for Marking Your Texts
SubSearch P.S. The TF system for Marking Your Texts

2 S.U.B. S.E.A.R.C.H. (PS) S = Skim Speed Read a text for main ideas !
U = Underline (underline as you “first-draft” read) B = [Brackets] for that one major idea / thesis The SUB phase of SubSearch (PS) is the quick “first draft” reading that focuses on finding the main idea or the BIG PICTURE of a text selection.

3 S.U.B the text: As we Skim, Underline, and [Bracket] a text, we are forcing ourselves to concentrate and seek out the very few “MAIN IDEAS” in the passage. SUB-ing a text is a fast strategy that leads the reader into discovery of the main concepts !

4 Marginalia = Margin Notes
The Monks – the first Marginalia writers:

5 S.E.A. For Deeper Reading Just as a Submarine “goes deeper” to hide and to attack, sometimes we need to “go deeper” to find the details of a passage. S.E.A. are three distinct ways to mark a text that cause you – the reader – to interact with the ideas and details of your reading!

6 S.E.A. For Deeper Reading “S” stands for SYMBOLS :
There are literally hundreds of SYMBOLS that can use in the margins: An idea I agree with I LOVE this idea! Brainstorm – big idea! A “turnaround” idea - going a different direction or I disagree – that’s an incorrect thought!

7 S.E.A. For Deeper Reading “E” stands for ENUMERATION:
LISTS of facts, details, names and dates are some of the best “clues” an author gives his reader: The North won the Civil war for three main reasons: 1 better supplies, more economic power, and 3higher population in the Northern states. Number those Three Major Reasons

8 S.E.A. For Deeper Reading “A” stands for Abbreviations:
Our students are MASTERS of abbreviation because of their skill at IM (instant messaging) and Text-Messaging. ot = off topic pu = that idea stinks FYI = for your information (an idea worth knowing) eod = end of discussion … the author makes a culminating point tmi = too much information / don’t need to know all this

9 S.E.A. For Deeper Reading “A” stands for Abbreviations:
Here are some of the most common IM and Text Message abbreviations – how can students use these to SubSearch ? :o = I’m shocked by this idea! >:-( = -I’m annoyed with this author : ( = I’m disappointed / disagreeing : - ! = I’m very bored with this text ! : ) = I’m happy to see this / agreeing : - / = I’m frustrated with this text !

10 The R/C is the most important!
When our students React and Connect to the text, they write personal notes and emotional reactions in the margins. The R/C phase is the most important, because it shows that the reader is truly interacting with the text. Personal comments are most memorable! R/C is one of the ALWAYS-REQUIRED stages of SubSearch (PS). Others are optional – but we ALWAYS REACT and we ALWAYS CONNECT.

11 What does react-connect look like?

12 H is for HIGHLIGHT GOLD Highlighting is like
Highlighting has value when it is RARE. Too much highlighting = little learning! After we have S.U.B.-ed and S.E.A.R.C.-ed, THEN we can pick up a highlighter – - and we give students a target number of highlighted sentences / phrases per passage. highlighter

13 HIGHLIGHTING is an “after” reading strategy – so is the P.S. (paraphrase / summarize) When students can paraphrase (put information into their own words) and summarize (condense large amounts of text into smaller “bites” of information) … They are TRULY reading and comprehending!

14 Why Paraphrase / Summarize?
According to the research of Marzano, paraphrasing and summarizing information may be the most significant strategy and skill that readers develop in school. After finishing a full SUB-SEARCH of an article or passage, students should look back at their markings – and write their own P.S. statement at the end !



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