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50 Ways to Get Women into Technology

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Presentation on theme: "50 Ways to Get Women into Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 50 Ways to Get Women into Technology

2 Topic Aims Level Method Equipment Duration TECHWoman Lesson Plan
Innovative project to engage more woman into technology Working with key stakeholder groups (learners, woman technologists, further education and industry leaders) Devised to raise awareness to technology as a positive subject and career choices Level Entry Level, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Method PowerPoint slides, to be printed off and handed to students, also to be put on notice boards in schools, colleges etc. There is a hyperlink attached from slide 3 to 7, if you right click on this and select open it will take you to the tech women uk website for further information Equipment Printer Duration Not Applicable

3 Right click on hyperlink and open

4 Right click on hyperlink and open

5 Right click on hyperlink and open

6 Right click on hyperlink and open

7 Right click on hyperlink and open

8 For further information please contact The STEM Alliance or visit

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