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NorThern mariana islands WILBERT G. ROSPEL

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1 NorThern mariana islands WILBERT G. ROSPEL
PCRN MEETING 2017 – CRVS for Disasters

2 Overview Birth Registration is estimated to be: 98 % complete – within 1 year of birth Vital Registration Office is situated at the only hospital in CNMI. 100 % of the total population is estimated to have had their birth registered After filing of birth certificates, parents may request certified copies when needed. Death Registration is estimated to be: 100% complete – within 1 year of death [adjust timeframe if needed] Cause of death (from a medical certificate) is provided for % of all deaths ICD-10 Death Coding is completed by National Centers for Health Statistics

3 DATA storage and Protection
Where CR & VS data is stored (centrally/ vs provincial or local office) CR stored at Commonwealth Recorders Office VS data stored Health & Vital Statistics Office - CHCC How VS records are stored - Electronic and/or paper records Electronic Health Record (HER) system Birth & Death Registries Paper records (required) Archived – digitized and stored on dedicated IT network server Backed up daily In the event infrastructure is compromised, off-site location CDC’s National Centers for Health Statistics

4 Major challenges FOR CRVS (pre and post Disaster)
Vital Records and Information Technology Vital Statistics too reliant on information technology (computers/networks/internet, etc.) Major disruptions to systems can impact vital statistics operations and bring it to a halt System accessibility limited Emergency Operations, Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) For continuity of operations, paper records, security papers, necessary office equipment, including master file listing must be readily available. Needs clear authority Policies & Procedures Assigned duties and responsibilities

5 disaster scale up In the event of all hazard disaster, Health & Vital Statistics Office will be activated under the Chief Executive Officer’s, Operation branch within the Incident Command System (ICS): Incident Command’s focus Life safety Responders and support staff customers/clients Building and/or structure Environment Incident Commander SO PIO Operation Planning Logistics Finance Vital Registration Community Outreach Review Disaster plan with Command Disaster preparedness Disaster response Continuity Of Operations Plan (COOP) Registrar’s focus Keep system functioning Data collection, integrity, and security Morbidity and mortality surveillance Recovery from a disaster

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