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Taking M-level education forward

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Presentation on theme: "Taking M-level education forward"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking M-level education forward
Janice Kay DVC Education 28th May 2009

2 Interactive plenary Is there a case for changing our practices?
What should the revised Education Strategy say about Masters students’ experiences and Masters programmes? Introduce the turning point process Three questions on changing practices + questions

3 I attended the conference as
a lecturer an academic support provider an admin support provider a student other

4 Where do you work? Streatham St Lukes Tremough Another HEI Other

5 The conference has suggested to me that PGT programmes need
No changes at all Very minor modifications Major modifications A radical overhaul

6 The conference has suggested to me that the way PGT students are taught needs
No changes at all Very minor modifications Major modifications A radical overhaul

7 The conference has suggested to me that the way PGT students are assessed needs
No changes at all Very minor modifications Some major modifications A radical overhaul

8 Should the Education Strategy address PGT separately from UG student experiences?
Yes No

9 Should the Education Strategy provide guidance on
(up to 7 choices allowed) selection of PGT students? contact hours for PGT? skills support levels? induction processes? assessment modes? assessment loads? international support?

10 It is important that M-level students not only have an advanced understanding of the research in the discipline but also engage personally in the conduct of research Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Question from Distinctiveness in M-level teaching and assessment session

11 It is clear that students from diverse educational backgrounds require intensive and extensive support and guidance. What proportion of the increased income from the increasing number of international students should be allocated to this kind of resource? 1% 5% 10% 20% Question from Addressing the needs of international students at ‘M’ level session

12 What are the key PGT issues which we should address?
Internationalisation Feedback Pastoral Support Transition Learning Resources Question from The M-level student experience session

13 Writing module descriptors is...
(up to 7 choices allowed) An arid process A creative process Irrelevant to students A waste of time Vital for setting standards Necessary to meet QAA requirements Vital for student choice Question from Distinctiveness in M-level Teaching and assessment session

14 Conference Evaluation

15 The conference has given me some useful new ideas
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

16 The conference has addressed issues I am concerned about
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

17 The conference has encouraged me to take some action
Not at all Possibly in the future When the programme is next reviewed immediately

18 The conference has been well organised
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

19 There was plenty of time for networking
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

20 L &T CONFERENCE Tremough
New L &T CONFERENCE Tremough Thursday 17th September “Education for Sustainability”

21 I’d like to attend the Tremough conference on ‘Education for Sustainability’
Yes No

22 “Internationalising the Exeter experience”
Next year L &T CONFERENCE 2010 Wednesday 5th May “Internationalising the Exeter experience”

23 I’d like to attend next year’s conference on ‘Internationalising the Exeter experience’
Yes No

24 Please return ‘response cards’ and badges before you leave!
Thankyou for coming to the 4th Exeter Learning and Teaching Conference Please return ‘response cards’ and badges before you leave!

25 Type in Slide Heading Type in slide subhead one
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26 Type in Slide Heading Type in slide subhead one
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