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Revision Exemplar scripts LO. Be examiners!

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Presentation on theme: "Revision Exemplar scripts LO. Be examiners!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision Exemplar scripts LO. Be examiners!
To understand mark schemes and how to be successful in that 1 hour 30 minutes!

2 How would you have answered it?
‘The weather of the UK is becoming more extreme’. Use evidence to support this statement. [6 marks] Indicative content Allow reference to a wide range of extreme weather types, including droughts, severe gales, heavy snowfall and blizzards, hailstorms, thunderstorms, intense rain leading to flooding. There should be description of specific weather conditions and an indication of how the weather has become more extreme. Answers may refer to the increasing frequency of these extreme events, the high levels of rainfall, intensity of wind, high temperatures, although these may not be indicative of long-term changes in themselves. Credit reference to specific extremes of temperatures and rainfall in recent years in the UK, eg 2003 hot summers; 2010 very low temperatures and much snowfall; 2012 wettest summer on record in England; summers of 2013 and 2014 were amongst the warmest and sunniest in recent years; the Somerset Levels were severely flooded due to heavy persistent rainfall in 2014, with many parts inaccessible for several weeks. AO1 = 2 marks, AO2 = 4 marks How would you have answered it?

3 Student answer.. What would you give this?
The weather of the UK is becoming more extreme and this is evident from the frequency of storms but also the severity as they smash records. For instance in 2010, floods and storms had occurred; in 2012 a major drought had occurred and in 2013 the record for the wettest weather has been broken. This proves that weather is becoming more extreme. One example is The Saint Jude’s Day storm which had caused powerful storms and floods in some areas. What would you give this?

4 This candidate has a clear understanding of the main features of the Mercalli Scale. The first sentence is enough to move the answer into level 2, as there is a linked statement describing what the Mercalli scale is and the possible range of values. The description of a number of different points on the scale is more than enough to ensure that this candidate gains full marks. Full marks would have been achieved even if the candidate had not written the final sentence.

5 Your turn. Switch it up! Describe a method, other than the Mercalli scale for measuring earthquakes (4)

6 What about this one?

7 6 Mark questions. It is easy to get stuck in Level 1
The candidate named a specific earthquake in the poor world so could be considered for level 2. This candidate however has confused effects with responses, which means that even though there is evidence of specific case study exemplification, the quality of the answer does not justify a level 2 mark. Furthermore there is no real evidence that the candidate appreciates the difference between immediate and long-term responses. The section, which gives evidence of some responses does not indicate whether the responses from the Spanish Government and the United Nations are immediate or long-term. This candidate therefore remains in level 1. The tapering of the marks, in order to achieve a greater spread and to give the opportunity of 80% of the marks being utilised by a Grade C candidate, means that there are four marks available at level 1. The quality of this answer however is not sufficient for this candidate to even reach the top of level 1. How would you have answered it?

8 Your turn. Let’s look at rich instead..
Evaluate the immediate and long term responses to an earthquake you have studied in a rich part of the world. (9)

9 Your turn: You will now be given some exemplar scripts with no marks see if you can annotate them with what they would have gained marks for. Think about the 3 levels that are available. Level 1: Basic Knowledge of basic information Simple understanding Little organisation; few links; little or no detail; uses a limited range of specialist terms. Reasonable accuracy in the use of spelling, punctuation and grammar Text is legible. Level 2: Clear Knowledge of accurate information Clear understanding Organised answers, with some linkages; occasional detail/exemplar; uses a good range of specialist terms where appropriate. Considerable accuracy in spelling, punctuation and grammar Level 3: Detailed Knowledge of accurate information appropriately contextualised and/or at correct scale Detailed understanding, supported by relevant evidence and exemplars Well organized, demonstrating detailed linkages and the interrelationships between factors. Clear and fluent expression of ideas in a logical form; uses a wide range of specialist terms where appropriate. Accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar Text is legible Level 3 does not always equate to full marks, a perfect answer is not usually expected, even for full marks.

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