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Quantum mechanics II Winter 2012

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1 Quantum mechanics II Winter 2012
Physics 452 Quantum mechanics II Winter 2012 Karine Chesnel

2 Phys 452 Homework Friday Mar 9: assignment # 14 Pb 9.1, 9.2, 9.5, 9.6 Tuesday Mar 13: assignment # 15 Pb 9.7, 9.18, 9.19

3 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation
Phys 452 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation In case of off-diagonal perturbation

4 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation
Phys 452 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation Perturbed state:

5 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation
Phys 452 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation Goal: solve for ca and cb Initial conditions: First order:

6 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation
Phys 452 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation Zero order: First order: Second order:

7 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation
Phys 452 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation Application: sinusoidal perturbation Initial conditions First order Probability of transition:

8 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation
Phys 452 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation Sinusoidal perturbation Probability of transition: P(t) for a given frequency w t

9 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation
Phys 452 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation Sinusoidal perturbation Probability of transition: P(w) for a given time t w

10 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation
Phys 452 Two- level systems Time- dependent perturbation Pb 9.7 Solving exactly for Probability of transition: w P(w) Rabi flopping frequency

11 Time- dependent perturbation
Phys 452 Time- dependent perturbation Pb 9.1 Electric field perturbation n=2 n=1 Simulation of atomic dipole transition

12 Time- dependent perturbation
Phys 452 Time- dependent perturbation Apply this theory for time-independent perturbation Pb 9.2 Second order differential equation Transition between two states still possible

13 Time- dependent perturbation
Phys 452 Time- dependent perturbation Apply this theory for time-independent perturbation Pb 9.6 Use the perturbation theory And integrate at second order Compare with the exact answer of problem 9.2

14 Time- dependent perturbation
Phys 452 Time- dependent perturbation Two levels system with different initial conditions Pb 9.5 Initial conditions

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