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Photometric Analysis of Asteroids

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1 Photometric Analysis of Asteroids
Sara Barber Acknowledgements: Dr. Bill and Erin Cooper

2 Project Evolution Old Project: Opposition Effect of Dark Asteroids
Goal: Make photometric observations of asteroids with low reflectivity near opposition Create lightcurves for these asteroids Problem: CCD malfunction New Project: Photometric Analysis of Trojan Asteroids Analyze previously obtained images of Trojan asteroids Explain what projects are -- OPPOSITIION TROJAN TROJAN LIGHTCURVE

3 Motivation My Goal: Create lightcurves for Trojan asteroids
Future Goal: Combine lightcurves throughout asteroid’s orbit to determine 3-D shape Shape & Spin Rate  Density The density could put a limit on the asteroid’s composition. Trojan Composition v.s. Main-Belt Composition Different origins within the solar system? Better understanding of solar system’s evolution

4 Outline Trojan Asteroids Lightcurves Photometry Steps Results
CCD Photometry Image Processing Complications Measuring Calibration Results Preparing for a night of observing.

5 Trojan Asteroids Asteroids in orbit around Jupiter’s 4th and 5th Lagrange points Trojan Asteroids Main Belt Asteroids (green) (lagrange)

6 Lightcurves Lightcurve: change in brightness throughout rotation
More illuminated surface area  brighter Less illuminated surface area  dimmer Lightcurve Asteroid Orbit Lightcurve

7 Photometry Photometry: technique for measuring an object’s brightness
Steps Take exposures Process images Measure object’s brightness Calibrate measurements Create lightcurve

8 STEP 1: CCD Photometry Charged Coupled Device (CCD)
Photon hits Si substrate & photoexcites e- 1 photon = 1 e- Electrons trapped in “pixels” by electrodes w/ applied voltage Get series of numbers that are reconstructed to make image CCD Electrodes Conduction Band CCD:Top View Valence Band

9 STEP 2: Image Processing
Want uniform background Sources of Background Inhomogeneity: Thermal Signal  Thermal energy is enough to kick electrons into conduction band (CCD not cooled uniformly  have gradient of thermal signal) Dark Frame Pixel-to-Pixel Variations  Flaws on CCD chip, dust shadows Flat Frame

10 STEP 2: Image Processing
RAW DARK FLAT FINAL - ÷ = Explain CCD here

11 Dark Frame Flat Frame CCD COOLed to decrease noise
DARK -- shutter closed FLAT--uniformly illuminated

12 Dark Subtracted Reduced Image Raw Image Flat Divided

13 Images

14 Complications Asteroid

15 Source = Aperture Count - Annulus Count
STEP 3: Measuring Measure electron count within aperture Only want electron count from source Need to subtract count from background (scattered moonlight, city lights, etc.) Aperture  Source + Background Annulus  Background Source = Aperture Count - Annulus Count  Star Field Aperture Annulus

16 STEP 3: Calibration We have electron counts, want physical magnitudes
Observe flux standard stars (stars of well known magnitude) Measure e- counts for these stars Use linearity of CCD (double e- count = double flux) to calibrate source Source e- count  Source magnitude

17 STEP 4: Lightcurve Plot brightness vs. exposure time

18 STEP 4: Lightcurve Phase Lightcurve
Use previously published rotation periods to plot brightness vs. phase

19 Results

20 Questions?

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