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The End of the Cold War and the Efficacy of Foreign Aid

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Presentation on theme: "The End of the Cold War and the Efficacy of Foreign Aid"— Presentation transcript:

1 The End of the Cold War and the Efficacy of Foreign Aid
Anna Hernick

2 Research Question How has the global political realignment since the end of the Cold War influenced the efficacy of foreign aid?

3 Background Cold War world bipolar Post Cold War multipolar
Change in donor strategies Debate UNSC membership

4 Hypothesis Greater benefit with UNSC membership Post Cold War
Less politicization, aid more helpful

5 Methodology Only temporary members Pre-1990 vs. Post-1990
Buena de Mesquita & Smith “quasi-experiment” Only temporary members Pre-1990 vs. Post-1990 Control for regime type, population, GDPpc in 2000

6 Variables Independent UNSC membership Dependent
change in GDPpc from before election to 2 years after end of term

7 Results During Cold War
negative correlation b/w UNSC membership and economic growth Since Cold War no statistically significant relationship

8 Conclusions Politically motivated infrastructure aid harmful
Development-oriented aid no significant effect A step in the right direction?

9 Image Sources Clip art

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