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Template Designed by Eugene Brunet :

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1 Template Designed by Eugene Brunet :
Sorting Venn Exercise Plant and Animal Cells 12 EB14 Which structures are found in plant cells, which in animal cells and which in both? Use the arrows to move through the slides Template Designed by Eugene Brunet :

2 Which are found in plant cells & which in animal cells
Which are found in plant cells & which in animal cells ? Click any item to change its place Animal Cells Plant Cells Cell Membrane Cell Wall Vacuole Cytoplasm Nucleus Starch Granules Chloroplasts Mitochondria

3 Which are found in plant cells & which in animal cells
Which are found in plant cells & which in animal cells ? Click any item to change its place Animal Cells Plant Cells Cell Membrane Flagellum Vacuole Ribosomes Centrioles Golgi Apparatus Rough ER Lysosome

4 Teacher Notes Purpose To help students see patterns and reasoning.
Similar can be achieved using whiteboard programmes. Activity The first example is a 5 minute starter / plenary or break out activity. Try to get them to work individually using white boards and then in pairs to discuss their ideas. Best to use a template cut up (see word templates) or white boards. Extensions Use with hoops or physical movement sorting (See other PowerPoints)

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