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College Community Language Instruction Educational Program Board Report 2015-16 Mike.

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1 College Community Language Instruction Educational Program Board Report 2015-16

2 L.I.E.P. Team Michael Beecher Prairie Heights and Hill Elem.
Renee Levi Prairie View, Ridge, and Creek Lisa Saladin Prairie Point Amy Miner Prairie Creek and Prairie High School Mike

3 E. L. L. Mission The mission of the ELL program is to foster an engaging, multicultural learning environment where students develop academic and social language and cultural competency. Mike

4 CCSD ELL program started in 2006 (9th year)
Who Do We Serve? CCSD ELL program started in 2006 (9th year) Students range from “newcomer” to students that are being monitored after exiting the ELL program Monitored and exited with TELPA, EPLA 21 test, MAP, IA assessments, and teacher and family input Lisa

5 Lisa

6 ELL Population at College Community
Student population has increased 67 percent the past three years. Amy

7 Countries Represented In College Community
Amy Amount of countries has stayed the same from the previous year, but the languages have increased from 18 to 25.

8 Amy Amount of refugee students has increased this year. The majority of refugee families are coming from Sudan and Dem. Rep. of Congo.

9 Comparison of Area Districts
Amy- CC- 106 to 140 CR IC to 1200 Marion 30-12 Linn-Mar Clear Creek Amana 37 to 29

10 LAU PLAN LAU Plan-Every district in the state has mandated LAU plan (ELL plan), even if there are no ELL students in the district. Support from stakeholders to develop the LAU plan. (ELL team and Grant Wood ELL representative) Every year we have an ELL evaluation plan in May (Stakeholder meeting) to comply with state guidelines and review MAP, IA assessments, and I-ELDA data. Access to the LAU plan is on the website and can be translated into a variety of languages. Renee

11 Professional Training
ELL team offers PD days to district staff to enhance the instruction in the mainstream classroom and increase ELL awareness. The ELL teachers have taught researched-based SIOP through Grant Wood AEA for the Iowa City and Cedar Rapids School District. The ELL teachers have presented at the Iowa Culture and Language Conference. Morningside College Adjunct Professor Creation of Praxis ESOL Panel at Princeton University Renee

12 Goals/AMAO Data 1. Goal: Increase in the percentage of ELL learning English (expectation for growth). Data: State-wide Target 63% , College Community Data 41% 2. Goal: Progressing in the percent of ELL who become proficient in English (language proficiency). Data: State-wide Target 25.2%, College Community Data % 3. Goal: Making the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) on required district standardized assessments (Iowa Assessment) Data: Did not meet goal (Numbers not applicable due to small number) Mike Annual Measurable Achievement Object

13 Action Plan ACTION: Worked with a member of the Teacher Leaders to create a formal of required minutes to meet with ELL students. Increased the amount of volunteers (students and adults) to support students. Reviewing discrepancies within the data. Meeting with Sue and John to discuss future structure of the ELL program. Mike

14 Goals/Data Goal: 100 percent of ELL students attend conferences K-12.
Data: 100 percent of ELL students attend conferences. Goal: (CSIP) Develop and sustain partnerships among students, parents, staff and community to prepare successful citizens for the future. Data: Record number of people attending our Back to School Picnic in August. ELL teachers also attend school registration. Lisa

15 Questions/Comments ??? Lisa

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