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Integers SOL 6.3 by Kathy Woodard.

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Presentation on theme: "Integers SOL 6.3 by Kathy Woodard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integers SOL 6.3 by Kathy Woodard

2 6.3 The student will a) identify and represent integers; b) order and compare integers; and c) identify and describe absolute value of integers.

3 Above Sea Level Below Sea Level
Image from

4 How Many Feet Above Sea Level?
Richmond Mt. Rogers +166 ft +5,729 ft

5 Put the Data on a Spreadsheet
For each red dash enter the feet above sea level, and make a bar graph of the data to see a side view of VA!

6 How Many Feet Below Sea Level?
650 ft

7 Positive Numbers Negative Numbers
Sea Level Negative Numbers Image from

8 Google Earth Map Feet below sea level Negative Feet above sea level
Positive Feet below sea level Negative

9 Positive numbers Negative numbers
Graph of Feet Above or Below Sea Level for Virginia from Mountains to Atlantic Ocean Floor Positive numbers Negative numbers

10 Integers: whole numbers, their negative opposites, and zero Zero
Negative numbers Positive numbers

11 Opposite of an Integer Show Me the Math
Find the opposite of a given integer.

12 Find the Value of a Point
K A T H Y K = A= T= H= Y=

13 How can you tell which integer is greater? Put them on a number line!
Comparing Integers How can you tell which integer is greater? Put them on a number line! Smaller < > Bigger

14 Practice Compare the integers by writing < or > 6 -6 0 -10 5 7
6 -6 5 7 5 -7 1 -8

15 Practice Compare the integers by writing < or > 6 > -6
6 > -6 0 > -10 5 < 7 5 > -7 1 > -8

16 Real Life Integers

17 Compare Integers XP Math Practice comparing integers.

18 Absolute Value Show Me the Math
Good visualization of absolute value in an interactive applet.

19 BrainPop Absolute Value

20 Graph Integers & Absolute Value
Explore Learning Plot 4 integers on a number line and then click to show their opposites and absolute values. choose Comparing and Ordering Integers

21 1. Place the following points on a number line:
Z: 4 M: -7 W: -10 T: 0 2. Write >, =, or < to compare the integers: 3. Write >, =, or < to compare the integers: 4. What is the opposite of 7? 5. Which of these are integers? ½ 6. What is the absolute value of -25 ? 7. 8.

22 07 SOL 6.5*

23 06 SOL 6.5*

24 07 SOL 6.5*

25 08 SOL 6.5

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