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2 (1) Nothing in excess (mêden agan).
(2) Observe the limit. (3) Master passion. (4) Fear authority. (5) Hate hybris. (6) Bow to the divine. (7) Keep woman under rule. (8) Know [become aware of] yourself (gnôthi seauton).

3 Physical Beauty, Athleticism
sculptural canon, chariot-racing Ratio and Harmony music, poetry, mathematics Law constitutions, law courts Prophecy oracle at Delphi Self-Restraint boundaries and limits Enforcement punisher of hybris Medicine and Purification Apollo Paian, cleanser of miasma

4 olbos  kotos  hybris  atê
prosperity good fortune luck fullness hunger appetite greed outrageous behavior arrogance pride insanity (self-)destruction

5 THARGELIA 6-7 Thargelion (April-May)
Sacrifice of sheep to “Green Demeter” on Akropolis, possibly also swine to Fates. Pharmakos ritual. Two ugly men whipped then stoned to death; bodies burnt, ashes thrown either into sea or scattered over land. Pharmakoi cast into sea then rescued, or cast out of community. First-fruits offered (thargelos); children affix olive branches bound with wool to doors of houses. Male choral competitions. Adoptions made official.

6 KARNEIA aition • Sons of Herakles murder Karnos, seer and favorite of Apollo • Apollo inflicts Spartan army with pestilence • Plague lifted upon institution of Karneia festival

7 KARNEIA (9-day late summer festival)
band of young unmarried men with grapevines chase male garlanded and draped in wool good fortune if caught; if not, the reverse young men and women dance and participate in choral performances representatives of each tribal group encamp in the field and feast in honor of Apollo Karnos (Apollo the Ram?) tribal encampment reflects Spartan military organization sacrifice of ram to Apollo Karnos

8 Apollo ephebe Amphidromia birth inclusion in family (oikos) Apatouria
14-16 years inclusion in phratry ephebeia 16-18 years inclusion in deme and polis

9 APATOURIA 11-13th Pyanepsion (September-October)
FIRST DAY (DORPEIA) Shared banquet of phratry members SECOND DAY (ANARRHYSIS) Sheep sacrifice to Zeus Phratrios THIRD DAY (KOUREOTIS) (1) Meion (sheep) sacrifice on behalf of newborn sons. (2) Koureion (“shearing”) sacrifice on behalf of adolescent males (16 year-olds). Acceptance into phratry, later enrollment in two-year ephebe status for military training. (3) Gamelia offering by newlywed males.

10 ephebic oath I will not dishonor my sacred weapons nor will I abandon my comrade wherever I am stationed. I will defend the rights of gods and men and will not leave my country smaller when I die, but greater and better, so far as I am able by myself and with the help of all. I will duly respect the rulers of the time and the existing ordinances and all others that may be established in the future. Further, if anyone tries to destroy the ordinances I will oppose him so far as I am able by myself and with the help of all. I will honor the cults of my fathers. Witnesses to this shall be the gods Agraulus, Hestia, Enyo, Enyalius, Ares, Athena the Warrior, Zeus, Thallo, Auxo, Hegemone, Heracles, and the boundary-stones of my native land, wheat, barley, vines, olive-trees, fig-trees.

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