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When you first log in you will open onto the home page

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1 When you first log in you will open onto the home page
When you first log in you will open onto the home page. Your name will appear in orange font Click on the second tab entitled “My Details” on the left bar or under “Quick actions”

2 You can update your personal details
You can update your personal details. To update your password just type in your preferred word next to Password These changes will take effect when you click “Save”. If any part of your appointment status is incorrect please contact your SMO coordinator. The “Training Status” only refers to the on-line Refresher. Now click the “Resources” tab.

3 The Resource tab provides a link to the latest Safe Salvos digital manual for you to download.
This is for you to refer to during the on-line training and your future reference. Download this to your computer. Now click on the “Training” tab.

4 Click on the link “SSR Safe Salvos Refresher Training ” to begin the training.

5 To progress through the training, scroll to the bottom of each page and click on the
To go back to a previous page click on the or click directly on the desired page via the contents in the left column. You can come back to the training at any time and pick up from where you left off. Once you complete the test you will see the following screen.

6 If you have passed the test congratulations
If you have passed the test congratulations! Please go to the “My Details” tab to check your new status. If you were unsuccessful, you will need to send an to with the subject reading “Please reset my on-line training”. An administrator will contact you when the test is reset.

7 When you have passed the test, your training status will have Approved and an Expires: date
three years after successful completion. In three years you can do the training again to be renewed. If you have any queries please Enjoy! G

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