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Lithuanian Health Profile

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Presentation on theme: "Lithuanian Health Profile"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lithuanian Health Profile
Eugene Shubnikov, MD, coordinator for the FSU, Novosibirsk, Russia for Supercourse’s Program, Pittsburgh, USA


3 Population Statistics by gender and age
                                                             Total population: 3,620,756

4 Crude Birth Rate Per thousand persons                                      

5 Life Expectancy at Birth (years)

6 Crude Death Rate Per thousand persons                                                                            

7 Main reasons of the deaths
Per persons

8 Per thousand persons in age groups
Age-specific death rates by sex and age (1997) Per thousand persons in age groups Age All ages < ~ ~ ~ ~34 Male Female Age ~ ~ ~ ~ Male Female Table: Numbers of deaths and death rates a,whsa_table1,endpoint&language=english

9 SDR, all causes, all ages per 100000 Year Value

10 Infant Mortality Rate Per 1000 of life births                                                                                                                                                        

11 Economics and Health Indicators
- Inpatient care beds(2000): 923 per population - Number of Physician(2000): 379,75 per GNP(1997) : 4220 of US dollars per capita Total expenditure on Health(2000): 6,2 per cent to GNP

12 Tuberculosis incidence per 100000 Year Value 2000 71.9

13 This lecture is based on
Statistical data: Health in Russia, Russian Goskomstat, 2001,Moscow, or

14 Useful Internet links related to health profiles in different Countries
WHO Regional Office for Europe WHO World Health Statistics Annual WHO web site The list of country-specific resources on public health World Bank project "Development Gateway” World development indicators and tables Send Your Link

15 Thank you for taking health profile Tour for Lithuania
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