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A View From The Bridge Quotes on Eddie.

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1 A View From The Bridge Quotes on Eddie

2 ‘I see it in his eyes; he’s laughin’ at her and he’s laughin’ at me’

3 This shows us that Eddie is extremely paranoid, and he's worried that Rodolfo is just using Catherine for a visa. This shows how protective Eddie can be over Catherine.

4 (strangely nervous) Where's the job? What company?

5 This is when Eddie first hears of Catherine getting a job
This is when Eddie first hears of Catherine getting a job. This shows how he does not want Catherine to work, and to grow up. He is being extremely possessive and protective over her.

6 (He reaches out suddenly, draws her to him, and as she strives to free herself he kisses her on the mouth)

7 This is when Eddie comes home drunk
This is when Eddie comes home drunk. This shows his hidden feelings towards Catherine, but because he drunks he doesn’t really think of what he is doing. He then kisses Rodolfo trying to emasculate Rodolfo in front of Catherine. Eddie is trying to show that if he cant have Catherine, no one can.

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