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Constellations & Astronomy as a Science

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1 Constellations & Astronomy as a Science

2 Conclusion: Earth’s coordinates projected onto Sky
The Celestial Sphere An imaginary sphere surrounding the earth, on which we picture the stars attached Axis through earth’s north and south pole goes through celestial north and south pole Earth’s equator  Celestial equator Relative positions of stars do not change -> attached to sphere In ancient times was often literally thought of as a physical sphere rotating about the earth

3 Celestial Coordinates
Earth: latitude, longitude Sky: declination (dec) [from equator,+/-90°] right ascension (RA) [from vernal equinox, 0-24h; 6h=90°] Examples: Westerville, OH °N, 88°W Betelgeuse (α Orionis) dec = 7° 24’ RA = 5h 52m Relative positions of stars do not change -> attached to sphere In ancient times was often literally thought of as a physical sphere rotating about the earth

4 For Homework use Simplified Diagram
Zenith Cel. Eq. CNP 90⁰ A latitude Altitude of objects on the celestial equator is thus A = 90⁰ – latitude

5 Position II: Once you know where the Celestial Equator is, add declination δ of object
Zenith Cel. Eq. CNP δ Aobj 90⁰ latitude ACEq Altitude of objects on the celestial equator is thus A = 90⁰ – latitude + δ

6 Examples: Position I Observing from:
Frankfurt (50°N latitude): Celestial equator is inclined 40° with respect to horizon Equator (0°N latitude): Celestial equator is inclined 90° with respect to horizon North Pole (90°N latitude): Celestial equator is inclined 0° with respect to horizon Longitude of city does not matter!

7 Examples: Position II Observing from Frankfurt (50°N latitude): Celestial equator is inclined 40° with respect to horizon. Then observe: Star A (Declination 22.4°): Culminates with altitude angle of 62.4° in Frankfurt Star A (Declination –12.4°): Culminates with altitude angle of 27.6° in Frankfurt Star C (Declination – 45°): Culminates with altitude angle of – 5° ???  Is not visible in Frankfurt! Always below horizon. RA (celestial longitude) of star does not matter!

8 Complicated! Let’s go with Patterns in the Sky!
We can group specs of light together to form triangles, squares, etc. This allows us to find them the next night and follow their motion Talk to other observers, and give them names: Bear, Bull, Lion, Hunter, Queen, etc.  The Constellations

9 Constellations of Stars
About 5000 stars visible with naked eye About 3500 of them from the northern hemisphere Stars that appear to be close are grouped together into constellations since antiquity Officially 88 constellations (with strict boundaries for classification of objects) Names range from mythological (Perseus, Cassiopeia) to technical (Air Pump, Compass)

10 Constellation 1: Orion Orion as seen at night Orion as imagined by men
Also the Chinese and Egyptians; most constellations today (88) have Greek origins Basically the constellations of the zodiac (12 in number) Pattern not really meant to resemble Orion or whatever; likely named in honor, picture fit later Orion as seen at night Orion as imagined by men 10

11 Orion “from the side” Note naming scheme Stars in a constellation are not connected in any real way; they aren’t even close together! 11

12 Constellation 1: Orion “the Hunter” Bright Stars: D) Betelgeuze
E) Rigel Deep Sky Object: i) Orion Nebula

13 Constellation 2: Gemini
“the Twins” zodiacal sign Brightest Stars: I) Castor J=K) Pollux

14 Constellation 3: Taurus
“the Bull” zodiacal sign Brightest Star: F) Aldebaran Deep Sky Object: iii) Plejades

15 Constellation 4: Ursa Major
Other name: Big Dipper Stars: B) Dubhe C) Merak Navigation: go 5 times the distance from Merak to Dubhe and you are at Polaris.

16 Constellation 5: Ursa Minor
Other name: Little Dipper α Ursa Minoris is Polaris [A], the pole star

17 Constellation 6: Canis Major
“Big Dog” Stars: H) Sirius (brightest fixed star)

18 Constellation 7: Cancer
“Crab” No bright Stars

19 Constellation 8: Leo “the Lion” zodiacal sign Brightest Star:
G) Regulus

20 Astronomy as a Science The science dealing with all the celestial bodies in the Universe Cosmology is the branch of astronomy that deals with the cosmos, or Universe as a whole The medieval list of the Liberal Arts: grammar, rhetoric, logic (trivium); arithmetic, music, geometry and astronomy (quadrivium) Is an “exact science” for ~5000 yrs Most rapid advancements in astronomy have occurred during the Renaissance and the 20th century Success has been a result of development and exploitation of the scientific method Will start at the earth and work outwards At each step, we will find distances that dwarf all previous distance scales. We will also discover the principle of mediocrity: not only is the Earth insignificant in size, but it's just an average planet orbiting an average star in an average galaxy. In the end our study will return to Earth and the relationship of humanity to the Universe.

21 Astronomy and Culture Astronomy had and has an enormous influence on human culture and the way we organize our lives For example: The year is the rotation period of the Earth around the Sun The year is subdivided into months, the period of the Moon around the Earth The weeks seven days are named after the seven bodies in the solar system known in antiquity: Sunday, Monday, Saturday (obv.), Tuesday=Mardi, Wednesday = Mercredi, Thursday=Jeudi, Friday=Vendredi

22 Position: Angles vs. Distances
Locations in the sky are easy to measure: 2 angles Distances from observer are hard (one length)  Together they give the location of an object in three-dimensional space

23 Angles and Angular Size
Angles measured in degrees full circle = 360; right angle = 90 1 = 60' (minutes of arc or arc minutes) 1' = 60" (seconds of arc or arc seconds) Typical angular sizes: Moon 0.5, Sun 0.5, Jupiter 20”, Betelgeuse (α Ori) 0.05” Size of image depends on actual size as well as distance away (thumb example) 23

24 Typical Values for Angles in the Sky

25 The Trouble with Angles
Angular size of an object cannot tell us its actual size – depends on how far away it is Sun and Moon have very nearly the same angular size (30' = ½) when viewed from Earth Actual Rsun/Rmoon ~ 400 Hence ratio of distances from earth also ~400 25

26 Angles and Size

27 Without Distances … We do not know the size of an object
This makes it hard to figure out the “inner workings” of an object We can’t picture the structure of the solar system, galaxy, cosmos

28 The most important measurement in Astronomy: Distance!
The distances are astronomical! The distance scales are very different Solar system: light minutes Stars: light years Galaxies: 100,000 ly Universe: billions of ly Need different “yardsticks”

29 Performing Experiments
Experiments must be repeatable – requires careful control over variables Possible outcomes of an experiment: The experiment may support the theory We then continue to make predictions and test them The experiment may falsify the theory We need a new theory that describes both the original data and the results of the new experiment Since we cannot do every possible experiment, a theory can never be proven true; it can only be proven false Or the experiment may be wrong! Variables = the quantities on which the outcome of the experiment depends 29

30 Making Measurements Errors
Random Systematic With every measurement, it is essential to provide an estimate of the uncertainty – the likely range of errors Example: Using a ruler marked in mm, we round to the nearest marking – at most off by half a division, or 0.5 mm Cite a measurement of 15 mm as 15  0.5 mm to indicate that the real value of the length is likely to be anywhere between 14.5 mm and 15.5 mm If a theory predicts a value of mm, then a reading of 15  0.5 mm is in agreement with the theory but a reading of 15  0.1 mm is probably not

31 Relative Uncertainty If you have a small error and the measured length is also small, you might have a huge error! Use percentages: Percent error = (estimated error)/(result) x 100% Example: 51.3 cm ± 0.2 cm gives Percent error = (0.2 cm)/(51.3cm) x 100 % = 0.4 % (This is a pretty small error)

32 Is our result precise or accurate or what?
Two different concepts: precision and accuracy! High precision means small error High accuracy means close to an accepted value Examples: * * * * high precision, high accuracy * * * * high precision, low accuracy * * * * low precision, high accuracy * * * * low precision, low accuracy accepted value

33 When Do Results Agree? Results agree, if they are within the error margins of each other Examples: | O | | O | values very different, but errors large: agreement! | O | | O | values closer, but errors smaller: no agreement!

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